Chapter 3 (The movies part , Kayla's POV)

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Today was the day I get to go to the movies with Jack, my question is why did he ask me so soon like didn't he want to get to know me first? hmm I dont know lets just hope something good happens. I got up and put on some ripped jeans a cute shirt and my vans, I curled my hair, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and put on some makeup. 

Then I went down stairs and ate some breakfast and watched all american for about 3 hours, then I called Kenzi and Brie, "Hey guys!", I said, "Omg have you left yet?" Kenzi asked "no not yet I dont have to leave until 2:30", wait whats going on?" Brie asked, "shes going to the movies with her new neighbor Jack Avery can you believe it?!" Kenzi said, Brie went silent I figured she was gonna get excited but instead she left the call, "what- why did she leave?" says Kenzi, "Im not sure let me invite her back," we invited her back but she didn't answer she immediately declined it then I got a text from her saying,

                                                                 The chamber of secrets 

Brie: Dont even talk to me! 

Me: Whats wrong? why cant we talk to you?

Kenzi: Brie can we talk?


Brie left the conversation 

I called back Kenzi, "dude whats her problem?", Kenzi said, "I dont know do you think she got jealous or something?", Brie is the type of girl to get extremely jealous we always try to talk to her but she just says she wont get mad but does anyway. "I dont know lets just leave her alone for now" I said, "So anyway are you guys gonna meet there?" Kenzi asked, "Im actually not sure im gonna ask him", "okay I will call you back then see ya" said Kenzi "Bye!" I said. 

After watching some All american I was stupid and didn't ask for any contact info so I went over to ask him my self. I was so scared I was gonna sound dumb but what ever I need contact info now that we are hanging and he is my neighbor and stuff. I have been thinking for a couple hours what made him wanna go to the movies with me? like why did he wanna move so fast?  guess going to the movies is a way of hanging out that counts I guess. 

Maybe he was scared and he just spit out the first thing that popped in his mind, I guess we'll never know. I walked over knocked on his door and waited, I started walking then I saw his mom open the door and she said, "Hi may I help you?",  "hi my name is Kayla we met yesterday im your neighbor I live right over there" I pointed at my house, "omg yeah Kayla! im so sorry I didnt recognize you" she said, I laughed, "its okay, im actually looking for Jack is he around to talk for a minute?" I said. 

"Yes Jack is here, you can come in, actually he's right upstairs in his room just make sure you knock." she said "Okay thank you I will!". I went upstairs and knocked on his door and said "Hey Jack its me Kayla are you up to talk for a minute?" I asked, "Yeah come on in", Jack said. I walked in and I saw him puting pictures up on the wall they were pictures of him and the rest of the guys. "Wow I love those photos of you and the rest of the guys" I said, "thanks they mean the world to me, so what did you wanna talk about?" he asked "I wanted a to ask you how we are gonna get there and if we can exchange numbers so it would be easier" I said, "Oh yeah im sorry I didn't ask that before" said Jack, "Oh its okay" I said.  He gave me a piece of paper with his number on it. "Thanks I will call you" I said "Okay said Jack, I walked back to my house and decided to text his number. 

                                                             Jack (maybe) 

Me: Hey its me Kayla, is this Jack?

Jack: Yeah it is, its great to have your number. LOL

Me: HAHA! yeah its great to have yours to, so we are going at 2:30 right?

Jack: Yes

Me: Okay how are we gonna get there im sorry I should have asked these questions earlier I just got so so nervous.

Jack: Lol its okay I was nervous to but do you want me to pick you up? 

Me: Yeah that sounds great see ya then!

Jack: See ya!

I was so excited I had about 2 hours until it was time to go cause the movie starts at 3:30. 2 hours went by and it was time to go, I was still trying to wrap my head around why he asked me to go so soon like we didn't even know each other and he asks me to go to the movies like we just met but okay! works with me I guess!. I heard a car engine and immediately ran outside, IT WAS JACK! AHHHH, I ran to my mirror and checked to see how I looked, "eww I look so gross!" I decided to just go out the way I was, I walked out to see Jacks hott curls and cute smile. 

It was awkward to be in the same car with him, I wanted to start a conversation but I didn't know what to say so I said "so what do you think of the neighborhood so far?" "Its actually really nice the neighbors are so nice" he said "yeah they are sometimes they will just walk over and we will all start talking, like wow that was fast" I said while laughing, Jack smiled he looked like he didn't know what to say, I began to overthink, what if he doesn't like me?, what if he thinks im disgusting?, I knew I needed to stop and think positive so I did, it wasn't easy but I tried my best. We were there I was so nervous that I kept dropping my purse but Jack picked it up for me which was sweet.

 We got our tickets then I asked Jack "Do you wanna get some popcorn?" "Oh heck yeah its like the best part but sorta the best is saved for last." He said, I was so confused what did he mean "the best is saved for last"? OMG I wanna know now! but I guess we will have to wait. I got a large popcorn and a Dr pepper, Jack got a Dr pepper as well and he said it was his favorite soda, I was surprised normally lots of guys get like coca cola or something but ya know its something we both like so that made me happy. 

I was about to hand my money to the cashier person until Jack said "no no I got this", "No no dont I should pay" I said "No its fine dont worry about it", I smiled and so did he, "wow thanks" "yeah no problem" Jack said. We walked to the theater we choose the very back it was awkward but it was kinda romantic and I liked it, but I was kinda nervous on what he meant by "the best is saved for last" until he said "hey wanna go to the park after and just take a walk" "yeah that would be fun" things were really starting to happen I couldnt wait to tell Kenzi everything that has happened when I get home. 


                                      Hey guys this was longer this time and sorry I haven't been active lately I have been busy with family.

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