first chapter of 2021

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queen : Y'ALL HELP


egg child : I'm scared

screeching donut : HAPPY 2021

egg child : oml I forgot

butter : I stayed up until dawn on January 1st

principal of the thing : BRO WHY!?

butter : I can stay up for a whole week if I really wanted to.

purple : I watched the fireworks with celeste

purples gf : 🥰

money man : all of you are crazy. I went to bed at 11

egg child : that's literally an hour before midnight my guy ಠ_ಠ

weed uncle : I'm crying lol

principal of the thing : ARE YOU OKAY?!

weed uncle : yuh just lonely

11037 : bitch what am I? a cockroach?

snake : awww cute ❤

queen : shut up sister stealer.

snake : 😟

gun queen : ... I take offence to that...

queen : 👁👄👁💧

snake : lol take that

bookworm : what are we supposed to be talking about?

ahoge girl : idk 😟

egg child : off topic but I got a Pikachu onsie for Christmas and komaru got a unicorn onsie.

queen : lol

cheerio : I got a fortnite onsie

egg child : we be the onsie trio

ahoge girl : yes queen

queen : 🙂

ahoge girl : not you

queen : 😟

money man : you have no idea how much I wanna die right now

11037 : omg i never thought I would ever relate to someone like him–

weed uncle : ikr


weed uncle : omg yes

weed uncle is offline

11037 is offline

egg child : uhh kuya?

money man : what?

egg child : you started this so go stop them

money man : I'm joining them.

egg child : wait what–

money man is offline

egg child : WAIT

egg child is offline

screeching donut : uhh...

queen : lol imma go watch this

queen is offline

gun queen : ...

snake : well that happened

big sis : I'm going to make sure no one gets hurt.

big sis is offline

butter : wait who tf is "big sis"??

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