These bitches gay..
But I'm Gay too
DISCLAIMER: These characters do not belong to me, they belong to their rightful owner (Go search it up 😀) and credit me if you like repost the story or something .
Atsumu's sleep was interrupted by his timer, he grumbled and threw the timer throwing it off.
'Fucking Mondays..' he thought to himself angry that he had to go school, he sat up and sat on the edge of his bed rubbing his face sitting there staring into nothing for 5 minutes.
He had changed schools after he and his family moved , and it was they twins first day.
He finally snapped out of his daze and went into his bathroom that was Connected to his bedroom.
He took a shower, washed his hair and brushed his teeth. He threw his closet apart looking for a outfit, He eventually settled on, a black oversized shirt with a collar, black roped jeans with a chain and black shoes (yUuuH)
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He slipped on his shoes and walked out his room, and when he did he saw Suna and Osamu making out on the couch. He cringed
"Ewwwww right in front of me" he said in a annoyed tone. Osamu looked up from the couch, "yer just mad yer single" he teased.
Atsumu's POV
I only hummed as a response, I didn't mind being single I didn't care, as long as I got my friends. "Yer gonna be late for school for the first day of our new school" I mumbled walking out the front door. "Yeah yeah see ya there" Osamu said, I just shut the front door and drove to school. (Their third years in this AU).
Sakusa POV
I groaned and layed my head on the desk, knowing it was clean I didn't mind. A couple minutes later the teacher came in with a blonde hair boy. I glanced up and listened to what the teacher was saying. "Ah, This is Atsumu Miya and he'll be in this class from now on" The teacher announced loud enough for the whole class to hear, I heard people mumble and gossip stuff like ....
'He's cute..'
'Where do you think he'll sit? Next to me hopefully'
'Eh he's ok.'
'Not all that'
'*inserts gay panic*'
I simply groaned hearing all these comments and put my head back then, the teacher started the lesson and then I fell someone shifting next to me.
I glance up and sit the blonde next to me, he's looked more pretty closer- I took in all his features, his brown honey eyes , his big grin, the clothes he's wearing making him look adorable, I glanced up to his hair and I realized it was dyed, his thick eyebrows a obvious give away, I stare into his eyes until I realized he's staring back at me.