28; My Angel

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Bakugou hesitated before stepping inside the hospital room where his boyfriend was resting.

The short boy was supposed to pass away any minute now, and wanted to see him last. 

As the blonde turned the handle and opened the door, he instantly got greeted with a cheerful 'Hey Kacchan!'. 

Yet, the boy ignored it and sat beside the bed, keeping his eyes to the floor. 

It was silent for a while, leaving an awkward silence across the room. Katsuki was mostly trying to imagine what life would be like without his beloved. And only at the thought of it, tears started to roll down his cheeks. How their apartment would be empty, lonely and quiet. How big the bed would seem without Izuku. How every birthday would be painful, just thinking about how much he misses the boy.


The voice broke Katsuki out of his thoughts and caused him to look up to the green haired boy.

He was smiling.

"I'm sorry." he said, as tears pricked at the corner of his eyes.

"I'm sorry I have to leave this way... I never meant to hurt you! I never wanted to get married, because I knew it would hurt much more than it already does now!" Midoriya continued as he kept crying.

Bakugou stayed quiet. Not really knowing what to say or how to react.

"Are... are you scared?" he finally let out.

Midoriya wiped away his tears and smiled again. 

"Well... as long as you're with me... I'm not scared!" he cheered. 

"Stop saying shit... what if this is really the end? What if there is no heaven or hell... what if i never see you... ever again?" Bakugou sobbed. 

"Kacchan... I do believe... in heaven and all that. So I don't have to worry! I just..." the boy started to squirm around as the heart monitor beeped faster.

"Deku..." Katsuki whimpered as he kissed him quickly.

"I just... want you... to...check......     in the broken floorboard in our apartment. I... Love... you..." he giggled as tears rolled down his face and the monitor picked up it's pace.

"DEKU! NO! WAIT UP! DON'T.... NO!!!" Bakugou hurled as the greenette closed his eyes slowly.

Only to hear the loud screeching sound of the monitor, now not beeping at all. Just screeching.

"WHAT THE HELL!?!??!" Bakugou yelled in frustration, not wanting to let go of the small cold hand that used to squeeze his....

"Floor board!" He suddenly yelled as he rushed out, forgeting about everything and just wanting to find what the boy had told him to find.

Ok, I'm sorry for the short and sucky chapter.... my name is Sucky Author after all... 


-Sucky Author.

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