Mother Nature |

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Summary: Jesy is on her period and Sean makes it his mission to help her with the pain.

*No smut

Tags : [Fluffy] [Romance] [Love] [Soft]

Sean had heard soldiers emit varying sounds of pain when they were wounded in combat from when he did his training research for his role in the movie about combat. But never had he heard anything quite like noises on the other side of the closed bedroom door. Or at least he never knew that a female's monthly bleeding could be that painful.

He knew Jesy. She was a fighter who didn't even shed a tear when she sprained her wrist or broke her foot in different circumstances on tour or while in rehearsals. Jesy was not one to show pain. Sean could only imagine how unpleasant her period was if she had confined herself to their bedroom and refused to move from the covers unless absolutely necessary.

Sean was not naive to the workings of what happened when a female went through that time of the month. It was a bloody process that made even the strongest males wonder how a female could release that much blood and still go about her day.

What concerned Sean was that Jesy's cycles had never been so intense that she pleaded with him to leave her be.

As if he could abandon her in a time of need? His girl was in pain and he would be ashamed of himself if he simply left her cooped up in that room with no relief. Which is why Sean had gone out into different locations in Essex to pick up supplies.

When he came back from the shops his steps were soft so as not to disturb Jesy if she was asleep. For the past two days she had attempted to nap most of the day away, yet the discomfort kept her from doing so.

He quickly brewed peppermint tea and cooked a small portion of salmon with celery and a few pieces of dark chocolate as dessert. All were food remedies for cramps.

Sean halted outside the bedroom door with his arm carrying a tray of what he knew would be useful to help his baby girl. He cringed as whimper drifted out to the hall.

Slowly he cracked the door open and walked inside. Jesy was awake and keeping as still as possible to avoid the jabbing pain that occurred with the faintest of movements. Even her stomach was starting to feel nauseous.

"Sweetheart," Sean went to sit at the foot of the bed. He steadied the tray on his lap.

"Go away," Jesy mumbled. Her eyes were clamped shut and her breathing was even saved for the few hitches of breath when a cramp occurred.

"Now how can I do that when you're obviously in a...delicate position?" Sean said.

"Don't even start teasing me," Jesy put and arm over her eyes. "Can't you just leave me be to my suffering?"

"Absolutely not," Sean deadpanned. "It's my job to help you feel better. What kind of a boyfriend would I be if I didn't?"

Jesy remained silent. Hoping that he would walk out that door and let her get through this without the embarrassment of him seeing her in such a state. To think that she had fought with strained ligaments and various other injuries at various tours, but her monthly was thing that made her confined to the bed.

It was ridiculous.

And of course, Sean wouldn't leave their home so that she could deal with it herself. Making this whole ordeal even that much more awkward.

Even Sean had a slightly nervous look on his face though he did well to mask it. He knew what monthly cycles were, yet he didn't know about the finer details.

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