Las Vegas late at night. That't when the real job begins. Most people know thaqt they should stay inside when it's getting late, for their own good. But for those who don't know, it can get dangerous.
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*bzz bzz*
The sun hits me in the eyes when I open them slowly. I blink a few times before getting used to the bright sunlight peeking through the window. I reach for my phone and look at the screen. 5 missed calls from Niall. The blond Goblin never seems to leave me alone. I call him back and get up from the couch to get a glass of water.
"Where are you and why haven't you answered my calls?!" Niall shouts through the phone. He really thinks that he's in charge now that the chief is away. But we all know who everyone is afraid of. Me.
"I was asleep, as I should after last night's strike." I answer irritated by the fact that I deserved all the rest I could get. Last night was a tough one, not easy to get rid of but felt good when it was done.
"Well get up, it's 9pm and we have a new target. We've been informed that he will attend a business party at The Westin tonight. They pay good for this one so be alert."
I declare that I'll be there and hang up. This must be an extra special one since they pay so much. I put on my most expensive silk shirt and head out.
Twenty minutes later Niall arrives with Louis, Liam and Zayn in a limo. Myself, I walk. Felt like I needed the fresh air before starting work. We walk through the massive doors of the hotel but are stopped in the lobby. The others start arguing with the receptionist. I stand a bit behind them thinking about my mom back in London. She doesn't like the fact that I'm running around in Las Vegas late at night, it's too dangerous, she says. What she doesn't know is that I make up the most danger around here.
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I feel observed and turn around to find the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Her brown hair frames her face and those perfectly shaped lips. Her body is so tiny I could easily lift her up. She is staring at me. I noticed her looking at my butterfly tattoo. I feel warm and excited.
The elevator arrives and she disappears. I wish I could have talked to her, at least gotten her name. I shake my head. I have work to do. I can't be thinking about a girl now.
After a few minutes, Liam persuaded the receptionist to let us in the bar. We spread to look for this man. I can't focus due to the loud music. Or maybe it was that girl. She looked so innocent. I wonder if she is. If she's a good girl. I get frustrated just thinking about it and the fact that she's not mine and I can't do the things I want to do to her.
All of a sudden I feel a hard punch on my right arm. It is Louis, I follow him out of the bar. Niall, Liam and Zayn are already there. They seem angry at me. I ask what happened and Zayn tells me that our man got away. He had seen me walking around in my own world and flew. They turned their back against me and let me alone in the lobby.
I can't believe I let a stupid girl take over my mind when I was supposed to find our target. I've never failed a mission. Ever.