Chapter 5-Capture and Found

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My's pov
I felt if I was being capture which I was I really was it than stop this was my chance to escape but I know who it was that took me away.
I wasn't too happy to see him if only he leaves me alone I will be happy but nope.

"Really luna is that the way to greet me back"
"The person that try to control me kill my human mom and separated me from my birth mom yea if I was going greet you right"
I said it very harsh and anger if only he would stop taking me away over and over again.

"So are you here for something else or is it the thing that I hate the most"
"Just be quiet got it"
I stay quiet if I didn't oh I don't want to remember what happen to me how could he do that is so-call that I have a heart well he doesn't.
He was taking me somewhere I really don't know where since I can't talk to him I have to be quiet but I know where.

Dianite's pov
"Sir death has got the girl and is now coming here"
"That's good so as luna is with me I can take her powers away and I can also make her my puppet"
I need her for something else too and if that works Thats great but those "friends" of hers are in the way I need her not to get too close to them or them get too close to her.

My's pov
I sense someone was coming or something was it them what are they doing do they even know who he is
Whatever I need to escape but fast if I don't I'm done for the whole realms are done for.
I can escape this one can i let see
I started to think ways I could escape i do have powers so I could use ice than fire to break these chains and try to run and leave them alone I can't let them get into this
He have capture me some few times and success he have done what he wanted just because me being a weakling but not anymore I will escape form this.

"So death how have you been since you saying you are my father since I have some blood of yours inside me and my step father Ha I have some of his blood too why do I have to be related to both of you"
"I'm not your real father but if you say so"
"I didn't never mind"
I kept on walking when it was time to do my move i did it.
I stomp my feet sending ice out I than breath out fire to break the chains and I than ran off deep in the forest for no one to find me.

KItty's pov
I kept on flying up in the sky I saw a shadow figure but I kept on flying and try to find luna and I than did i land and transform to a human not to scare her.
"Kitty what are you doing here"
"I came to find you what's wrong"
I got close to her trying to talk to her but luna step back I stop I didn't want her to run again.
We than heard a crunch sound.

My's pov
I kept on running until I saw kitty she try to get close to me but I took a step back
I than heard a crunch sound I got scare and attack whoever made the crunch sound
I know that voice it was Tom
"I'm so sorry I just got scare i didn't mean to"

I went to Tom but he was scare of me it was just like my past
I just heal him tears where going down to me and everybody was shock i just stay quiet.

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