Collection 3

20 0 0

Prompt 10

She melted as she felt her husband massaging her shoulders. Then she saw him come out of the bathroom.

Prompt 11

A rustic, backwoods church doesn't allow anyone in town to sing or play a song that isn't a song of worship. Punishment is severe if caught.

Prompt 12

A man bargains with the devil for being immune to any and all injury, including death. His wife accidentally gets killed and he's sentenced to life in prison.

Prompt 13

A maniac collects fingers from his victims. One night, they all start tapping on the inside of the boxes they're kept in.

Prompt 14

Flesh-eating monsters can disguise themselves as piles of rocks by standing at certain angles. Viewed from any other angle, they look like smooth, featureless humanoids. 

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