(Oh fuck hiiiii guys....I'm sorry it's been so long!!! Um yeah!!! Well welcome back fuckerrss!! Anywhooo um yeah this might fucking suck so deal with it? I am planning to do smut in the near future I just need to mentally prepare first....I'm a huge procrastinator and schools been kicking my ass so yeahhhhh..Fun times!!! Anyyyyywaysss enjoy bye!!)
Zenitsu's POV:
About a week passes after the incident and eventually after many scoldings from Nezuko and Kanao also a quick trip to Shinbou. Because APPArenTLy falling OUt a Window warrants a doctors visit.
BUt She's Not even my doctor!!!! I jUSt get dRAggeD tO heR OFFICE!!! FRom her angry sound to her fake ass smiles when she snaps your bones back into place, she's more like a demon rather than horrifying older sister, who can rearrange your guts....not in a good way.
But eventually everything fades back into its normal routine...
"Zenitsu get your ass moving I'm not paying you to stand around!!"
Groaning I continue wiping the sticky cafe table.
I don't know why people take their bratty ass kids to cafes if they aren't willing to tip. And then leave a huge fucking mess for me to clean up, if I wanted to see a frankensteined pieces of trash and food I would've gone to the dump.
As I begin scrubbing the blue sticky cake pop from the table my thoughts begin drifting.
No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get Insouke out of my mind. Is this some kind of disease! It's like even my thoughts are not safe now. It's as if the guys behind every FuCKING cOrner!
Sometimes if I really try I can still see his soft features and crazy expressions.
And his abs-oh his abs were to die for!! But of course I don't like them....No way!!
I wish I could've touch them just once, one time and ran my hands down towards-
HE MUSt Get sOO mANY girlS With HIs gooD LOOKS,
I'm so jealous....
Just last week I fell into a clothing rack at a Macy's and 3 store attendants had to help me out just because I thought I saw him-
ANd then there was the Ice cream shop....Lets just say I'm banned from getting ice cream at the mall now-
"Excuse me, do you work here?"
A blush made its way to my cheeks as I realize how lost in my thoughts I had became. God this is so embarrassing I seriously should just crawl in a hole and die!!!
"Hello sir how can I help you-"
Turning around swiftly I force a polite smile onto my face.
"Oh shit, you work here?"
"Well hey it's been a minute, how've you been doing?"
My soul slowly dies as I'm met with the beautiful blue haired boy himself.
He rubs his neck awkwardly smiling softly down at me. I feel the sweat pooling at my forehead my thoughts jumbling as I attempt to compose myself.
I hate that my luck always LIKES TO THROWs ME CurVE bALLS!!! LIKE CAn YOu FOR onCE Just FUCKIng CHill!!!!
Taking a deep breath in and out I compose myself wiping of the invisible dust from my while apron and brown flannel.
"What would you like to order today sir-"
Oh god I wanna CRY!!! I just totally ignoRed HIs quEStions THEn caLLED hIM SiR!!!!! KILL me noW!! Please Please Don't nOtice....
"Oh yeah sure Zen....Um...."
Taking a few steps towards me he invades my personal space with no issue. I mean it's not like I mind I mean-
I do mind he should BE POlite AND MInd MY SpaCE!
I feel myself begin to flush, I mean at least he's fully clothed this time but I can still see the imprint of his-
StAy Focused!!!
YOU look STUPID!!!
Just when I've barely managed to get a grip on myself He places a firm hand onto my left shoulder leaning his head to my right ear.
"What do you think would be good to eat~"
The soft and smooth tone of his voice tickles my ear as I flinch in his grip. I'm sure I turned into a tomato now!!! WHY'd HE havE TO saY IT llikE THAt!!!! Ugh that ARGOnaut CoCKY bastard!!! Gripping his forearms I manage to shove him off slightly smiling awkwardly but of course luck can never be on my side can it.
I hear the door squeak open the tiny bell chiming loudly upon someone's entry.
Still in Insoukes tight grasp I tiptoe taking a peek over his shoulder sweat already making its way down my face.
Of course today of all days is when the girls decide to visit.
"Um Zenitsu, What's going on?"
Aoi, Kanao and Shinbou all stood in the doorway of the cafe staring Insouke down like a pack of hyenas. Walking over quietly and briskly Kanao tears me out of the blue boys grasp wrapping her soft arms around my waist as Shinbou and Aoi made there way on either side of me.
"Um why are you harassing my boyfriend?"
Authors Note
Heyyy y'all Um next chapters gonna be kinda fun to write and hopefully I'll update it faster.... Sorry for any spelling errors or brain cells lost!!! Anywayyssss Kanao is not Zenitsu girlfriend, just to clarify but yeah I just wanted to add some spicceeeee.... But yaaaaaaa hope y'all enjoy don't drown love you byeeeee!!!

That Time Zenitzu Got drunk
RomanceI don't really known what this is to be completely honest, Tanjirou and Nezuko ditch Zenitsu at a party and he wakes up the next morning in a room he doesn't recognize. (art and characters not mine)