IX | avoid

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IF SHE HADN'T ALREADY had enough of the first few hours of her Sixth Year, Ascella Soulier had almost turned and left her dormitory after she first entered. It was frustrating, not being greeted by freshly made beds and deserted areas. But what did she expect? It was almost midnight, the moon already claiming dominance over the night's sky, that seemed to be the only enjoyable factor of that night. Though it wasn't special. The moon was there most nights, though always in different shapes and sizes. It was a crescent.

   She scolded herself. Ultimately annoyed that she had agreed to sit with her sister and her friends in the common room, perhaps it would have been slightly easier if she had agreed to stay alone. Maybe then she could have slept, slept and avoided any interaction with Kendrick and his idiotic friends, and her room-mates.

   They weren't all that bad really, but Ascella hadn't really tried to befriend them. It was rather foolish, given that she had shared a room with the three Ravenclaws for almost six years. They had connected instantly, and the blonde tended to be kept awake behind her curtains, failing to fall into a slumber due to their constant chattering. She had no doubt that it would be worse that night, due to the three being intoxicated by their excitement of Summer.

   The space between her body trapped within the doorframe, and her claimed bed that was kept beside the only wall-mounted window pane, came off to be quite small, the two close together. However, the unfortunate journey taken for her to reach her comfort was outstretched to miles.

   "Oh." The tallest of the three girls noticed her first, pushing a drawer closed and pulling aside loose strands of her mousy brown hair. Ascella tried to remember the girl's identity, knowing she was a muggle-born, but only managed to confirm her second name. "Hi Ascella."

   Her tone was stiff and flat, Ascella dreaded the upcoming awkward interaction. Regardless, she nodded in response. "Hi... Thomson." The blonde hadn't been dense, she knew that the taller girl had a sort of vendetta against Ascella. However, she had always been polite - though the blonde tended to move around conversation with her. There had been a lot the brunette wanted that Ascella had managed to grasp; that being Prefect roles, a place within the 'Slug Club' and a certain Kendrick Salem.

   She almost laughed to herself, She can have him.

   "Merlin, almost didn't see you there Ascella!" Another girl spoke, a high pitched voice tightening the room, it was aggravating. She knew her to be kind to an extent, but she was also so full of energy, always sketching and painting - her side of the bedroom seemed to be more of an art exhibition. Her and Ascella could share that passion. "How was your summer?"

"Hi Mitchell. And it was bearable, thanks." Phoebe Mitchell. She was a half-blood for all Ascella knew, and well— for all she cared. Her room-mate's lives mattered very little to her.

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