Royal Guardian - One Shot

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               The palace corridors, once so dazzling and brimming with life, seem somewhat opaque to me these days. Several months ago the issue of the necklace was resolved. Several things have happened since then and everything has happened in the blink of an eye. Non-stop ... and for that, I need a rest, fresh air; leave the palace and calm my mind down a bit; refresh it, so that I can return with a clear and cool head and help taking the best decisions for my people.

I decide to visit Luis and make the request officially. They announce me and I enter the King's study, the place where he spends most of his time lately. The King looks up from some documents that are on his desk and gives me a smile.

- Maria, what a nice surprise! Tell me, what do I owe your visit to?

- I came to greet you and to make a humble request.

- A request? - He looks at me strangely - Go ahead.

- I would like to go on a trip. A short one -, I hasten to say. - I would like to visit the villa on the outskirts of Versailles to get some fresh air. Have a little vacation. I think it could be beneficial for both of us. We haven't stopped for a minute. And I understand that it is part of our work as sovereigns of the country, but these days have been calmer and the people seem to be happier. We are recovering from the crisis too... What do you think?

- Oh, Maria, you don't know how happy it would make me to accompany you, but I have several meetings that require my presence. But, I'll tell you what. Why don't you go? You have been very stressed and dedicated to changing public opinion about you. And believe me, I speak for everyone when I say, that we are fortunate to have you as our Queen. You have implemented decrees and aids that are lifting the kingdom out of poverty. Besides, I think you need that vacation more than I do. - The King has approached me and places his hand on my cheek while saying the latter. I don't want to leave him alone, but I think this time I really need some time away from court and all that that implies.

- Are you sure you don't mind? - The King, nods in response.

- But, you can't go alone. You are the Queen of France after all. I'll ask Lafayette to come with you.

- Lafayette !? I mean, maybe he has other things to do ... don't you want him to stay with you?

- I can figure out what to do with my advisers and Blaisdell. Also, it would give me more peace of mind to know that he is the one to protect you. He is a very loyal man and an excellent military man.

- Thanks a lot. Truly. I'll leave tomorrow and let you know when we get there.

- I would greatly appreciate it. It's a couple of days away and I would like to be sure that you arrive safely. Now, I must get back to work. Go get your things packed and I'll speak to Lafayette right away.

               I nod, bow, and proceed to leave. Despite how happy I am to be able to leave, I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach knowing that Lafayette will escort me. I finally get to my room and let Madame Deniau know the news. She helps me pack my things and prepares the servants to immediately part with them and have the villa ready and spotless for when we arrive.

As I pack my hand luggage, I see the mask that I wore a few months ago. I take it in my hands and I can't help but remember our meeting at the masked ball.

Lafayette danced with me that night. I recognized him immediately. Tall, handsome and serious. I didn't let him know it was me. It was the first time I saw him smile. That is a night that I treasure very much. A magical and beautiful memory, and at the same time, a dream from which I was forced to wake up.

- That is a beautiful mask. But I doubt it will be of any use at the villa...

- You're right...

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