AntiDapper - Cool it (Recommended)

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Anti and JJ, Romantic
"He tried to stab me! He's nuts!" Chase snapped, holding his lightly bleeding, bandaged arm against his chest.

"Quiet- he could hear you." Henrik harshly whispered, "You'll only make him angrier. He'll come back, he's done it before."

"I don't care! I want him gone!"
The greyscale figure on the couch listened to the pair argue, balling up his fists, knowing very well that he'd be screaming if he could talk.

Why do they bother? Anti does what Anti wants, and as long as you don't bother him, he's actually pretty friendly! Jameson would know!

He'd know better than anyone.
Jameson sat there for a while, rage bubbling up until he snapped, and he stood up, running out of the office and slamming it behind him.

He had to leave. He'd have lost it if he didn't. They didn't have a right to talk about Anti that way- they didn't know him! They didn't try!
Anti found Jameson like that when he came home.

Jameson was fuming, rewrapping his puppet's strings in an effort to keep himself occupied. There were crumpled up papers everywhere from where he had been sketching out new puppets for his show.

Anti sighed, and pulled him onto the bed.
They sat together, Anti reassuring Jameson as he signed furiously about his day. The argument, his anger, everything.

Anti simply laughed, ruffling the other's hair. "You nearly blew a fuse? C'mon, Jamie, you know I really don't care what they say about me."

The other lightly shoved Anti by the shoulders.

"Yeah, yeah. Look, I hate them anyway, and what they say won't make me hate them more than I already do. If I wanna kill someone, I will. Words won't stop me."

Jameson mimicked a laughing motion, taking the other's hand in his.

"It's hilarious, too. Usually I'm the one that you have to keep calm. Guess you wanted to switch things up."

A simple eye roll was all he got in return.

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