"It's up to Draco...I guess..." Hermione said kinda embarassed but she knew that she needed extra lessons.
In that moment he didn't knew what it was. The fact that she called him Draco, or that she looked so gorgeous but he just said:
"Ok, I'm in." He said after a long pause.
"Great, then. You can do a schedule as you wish, you may go now." Mcgonagall said and they exited her office.
"I hope they don't kill each other." Dumbledore's portrait said with a laugh.
"They have more in common that they'll ever know." Mcgonagall said with a kind smile.
"Malfoy, don't you dare think that I did it for other reasons, I just need it. Ok?"'Stupid, stupid, STUPID HERMIONE! Now you gave him reasons to think about it! Crap!" She said in her mind.
"Don't worry, I did it for my own reasons too." Draco said with a smirk.
'What is he up to?' She thought.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, you, are going to help me in potions class, you are going to teach me some of the things I've missed last year.. you know..."
"Deal?" He added.
Hermione looked shocked.
"D-deal, Merlin, I never knew I'll live a day in which Malfoy will ask for my help!" She said sarcastically.
He moved closer to her.
"What are you doing?" She said walking backwards, but instead she hit the wall.
The leaned in to her ear and whispered seductivelly.
"Don't you dare think I'll forget that you called me Draco." And a shiver went throught Hermione's body.
He walked away with a smirk and heard behind her muttering to herself.
She entered furiously her dorm, to find Zacharias on the couch.
She didn't know why she was so furious. To the fact that he was her new "coach" or that he got under her skin and changed drastically her feelings.
"Hey, Hermione, are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
And she walked to her bedroom feeling his eyes on her back. She took a book, that usually calms her down and get back to the common room.
She absolutely loved that place. Everything about it made her feel like home: the big windows, the comfort of the couch and the fireplace that wormed her up.
She took a seat on the other edge of the couch from Zacharias.
"What are you reading?" He asked.
"Oh, some muggle book, Pride and Prejudice"
"Why do you even read that shit, Granger?" Suddenly the voice of Draco Malfoy came closer.
"Why the hell you are everywhere I go?" She asked annoyed, playing again and again the last scene with him. His blue eyes meeting her caramel ones, that stupid smirk, and Hermione stop it!
"Faith, I guess, oh and" he said after a pause " come to my dorm to arrange our...meetings?" He said trying to make Zacharias jelous.
Hermione rolled her eyes and took the book standing up. " Come on!" She said as he saw him smirking at Zacharias.
'Is he jelous? Ha, no way.' She thought.
After he closed the door she looked around. The room was the same, just the walls were painted in emerald green and grey.
"You could have just told me there." She said still looking around.
'I have to pretend that I still hate her! Wait do I like her? That's impossible, I can't let her, or anyone know!' He said in his mind.
"Granger, I don't want anyone to know that I'm training a...mudblood." He said and her eyes instantly met the floor.
'Fuck you Draco!!! How could you say that to her!?' He thought, his face turning red with anger on himself.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"It's fine, Malfoy, I really don't care! I got used to it..." the last sentence she said almost in a whisper but he still heard it.
"Everyday, after classes meet me in the back field." Draco said angrilly as he searched for her eyes, but she kept staring elsewhere.
"Fine! And you meet me in the library at seven o'clock. Oh, and don't worry, at seven there is no one at the library to see you with a mudblood!" She said and left the room, slamming the door behind her.
The brunette laid down on her bed and hugged her pillow tight to her chest. She looked at the seiling continously thinking about what just happened.
She was upset, and she didn't know why she putted his words to her heart. She never, ever did that since second year when he called her that for the first time.
She remember she cryied that day, hard. But her friends helped her get through it and told her to don't care. And she did. Until now...
"You're pathetic!" She muttered to herself.
She finally fell asleep after a lot of thinking, remembering constantly that tommorow she'll meet Draco.
~🐍Hi! Hope you liked this chapter!🐍

The Quidditch girl~dramione fanfiction~
Teen FictionWhen Ginny Weasley the curent Griffindor capitan at Quidditch gets hurt in a game by breaking her leg, someone has to replace her...and that's Hermione Granger, the know-it-all bookworm, who gets private lessons by no one else but Draco Malfoy, the...