When you fall

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It feels like you're drowning . . . Drowning in a sea of despair and regret and every time you try to swim back up someone says something, something, even if it's the littlest of things and it just pushes you back down again. Oh, and you're angry. Oh, so angry. You're either furious with yourself or your furious with the world and you really just have no idea which is worse. . They all tell you it will be okay, but you're so surrounded by darkness that you have forgotten what light looks light, how it feels, the warmth and joy it brings all gone, because even if you manage to convince everyone else you're okay, the truth is that when you get home, when you look in the mirror you burst into tears. You burst into tears. You burst into tears and you want to scream. You want to scream at yourself for all of your horrible imperfections and you want to scream at the world for how unfair it is. You'll question it. You'll question whether the good times outweigh the bad and whether every good memory was worth this moment of pain. You're not sure. That's the problem, though, isn't it? The problem with falling in love? Sometimes you just fall so god damned hard that you really just don't know if you can get back up.

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