Chapter Twenty-Nine: Hospital Visit #2-Electric Boogaloo

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Rhythmic beeping breaks into my consciousness. I reach an arm out to turn off my alarm, but stop when I feel a tugging sensation in the crook of my elbow. I set my arm down, trying to think of what happened the night before. I blink my eyes open, and I find myself in a sea of white. I try to sit up, to piece together the missing information in my brain when a pair of cold hands gently presses my shoulders back down.

"What the hell happened to you?" I ask Emmett, whose appearance is more ragged than I can assume mine is.

"The official story?" He asks. "Car accident."

"The reality?" I ask, reaching over to take his hand.

"There's this feeling in the pit of my stomach, it feels like it's churning and I have this feeling of imminent danger." Emmett describes.

"I believe that's called anxiety." I inform him.

"I've never been anxious in my life."

"First time for everything." Emmett lets out a noise of begrudging agreement.

At that moment a knock on the door leads me to look over and see a middle-aged doctor with graying hair peek his head in.

"Oh, good, you're awake," He says, coming all the way into the room and standing at the foot of the bed. "How are you feeling, Miss Lewis?"

"Fine and dandy. Kind of like I've been hit by a car." Emmett lets out a startled laugh. The doctor's eyes cut to him before refocusing on me.

"I'd like to do a few tests before I let you go. You had a dislocated shoulder, a couple of broken ribs, some cuts and bruises, and a sprain in your ankle. It looks like that ankle had been healing from a break, is that right?"

"Yeah. Bad juju seems to follow me where I go." I shrug, hissing at the pain in my shoulder.

"Hm," the doctor says, writing on his clipboard. "I'll send a nurse in to get some blood. Sit tight."

"I'll be plotting my escape." I reply, gaining a confused look from the doctor on his way out.

"Care to translate?" I ask Carlisle, who's sitting in the corner on a vinyl chair.

"Translate what?"

"Doctor noises. 'Hm?'" I quote the doctor, trying to match his intonation.

"Well, I know for a fact that you are fine, Raquel. You had some scrapes and you went into shock. They're stumped at how Emmett is perfectly fine and you are relatively okay, considering the wreck totaled your car."

"Your Jeep?" I ask Emmett.

"Hell no. We totaled one of Edward's cars." I raise an eyebrow at him. He sighs before explaining.

"Rosalie only agreed to help us create an "accident" if she got to destroy one of Edward's cars as, and I quote, 'a fraction of the cost she has paid to put up with his whiny emo ass and pretentious demeanor.'" I laugh.

"I think she got inspiration from you." Carlisle adds, trying to suppress a grin.

"Another part of the deal was her getting to run Edward over. And backing up over him, too." I cackle at the mental image of Edward tied to train tracks with a train coming, driven by Rosalie like an old movie damsel in distress.

"My parents?" I ask, worried about the stress this will cause them.

"After Rosalie had her fun, she went and explained to them what happened. They wanted to come but we convinced them that you'd be out within a few hours, and there was no need for them to make the trip up here."

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