Chapter 5

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Jordan's P.O.V

" So I will see you tomorrow! Thanks for everything Jack! "

Haha no problem Jordan, call me. He smiled.

I climbed up to my window and jumped in, Once I turn on my light I see Cameron!

Hey! How was your date! He asked sarcastically.
" Cameron what are you doing!!!! Get out of my room!" I hissed.

We're gonna play a little game real quick,

"no get out! "

If you don't play I will smack these pots and pans together and get you grounded for sneaking out!
" Cameron i sw-"

* Smacks Pots and pans *
" OK FINE!! " I yelled.

I was shocked my parents didn't hear it.

Here's the game, I'm gonna ask you questions and you have to answer them and if you don't I will make noise.

"Ugh fine!"

How was your date?
" It was fine!" I said madly,
Where did you go?


That's non of your business now where did you go?!

"Outback. "

Did he officially ask you out?

" Im not tell- " Did he?!? He interrupted.

"Yes. "

And what Did you say?

" I SAID YES CAMERON! Go home!" I demanded.

Okay, that's all I needed to know. He started climbing out my window.

right when he was about to jump down he looked at me straight into the eyes, See you tomorrow Jordan. He said deviously, then jumped.

--------------------Next Day
When I walked Into the school it felt... Different. Everyone kept staring and laughing at me, I was so confused.

Jack ran up to me, Did you hear? He asked.

"Hear what?"
Someone made a rumor that you payed me to date you.

" WHAT?!? Who said that??!!!" I almost screamed.

I don't know, wait who knew We were dating? He asked.

I thought to myself for a minuet than remembered the only person that knew was Cameron.

" What are we gonna do? "
Don't worry I know how to end this rumor,

" how? "
Come see me at lunch.

" Okay. "

I ran in the hallway to find Cameron and I found him next to my locker talking to his friends.

" What the hell is your problem!!!!" I yelled.

Uhh what do you mean Jordan? He was getting sarcastic.. Again.

"Why are you telling people I'm dating Jack because I payed him??! He asked me out! "

Yea right Jordan! Your such a liar! Here's a dollar, get yourself another guy! He hissed while walking away.

I was so mad I couldn't think straight. All I am thinking of is Jack and lunch time, what did he mean? I guess I will just have to see.

Cameron's P.O.V

I couldn't be happier right now. Since I made up this rumor Jack will break up with her and now maybe I could get a chance with her.

I guess I'm getting feelings for her but I'm not showing her anything.

Now At Least I won't have to worry about him getting in the way anymore.

Here she comes now, " Hey Jordan! " I waved.

While she walked by me she ignored me and flicked me off. Eh I guess I deserve it.

*Lunch Time*

Jordan's P.O.V

" Hey Jack, what did you want to show me? "

Here. Jack jumps on top of a lunch table in the middle of the cafeteria and helps me up.

While he is holding my hand he yells at the top of his lungs Can I have everybody's attention!!! Everybody ( even Cameron ) got quiet and got our attention.

I know there's some rumors going around saying this girl payed me to go out with her, It was a lie!!! Everyone was shocked for a moment.

I can prove it!! He finally shouts then he puts my hair behind my ear and he Kisses me in front on everybody.

We both looked down at everyone and they all start cheering us on! I saw Cameron and he looked really pissed off, his cheeks started getting red.

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