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We were running in the tall grass hoping the trees and grass would keep us from being spotted, "we've come way too far to die now", I whispered to my companion, as we were running, I quickly stopped in my tracks and crouched down, a spotlight slowly went by, "that was close", my companion said, we slowly crawled our way to the facility, as the closer we got the shorter the grass got, the grass was cold and wet, while the ground was rocky and muddy.

  My companion and I finally reached the facility wall, but we were about 20 feet from the west entrance, which was heavily guarded, "we have to find another way in", I said to my companion, she nodded, we slowly made our way along the walls, dodging all the spotlights and armed guards, if we get caught now, we would have failed everyone, mom and dad.. I can't afford to fail.

   We made it to the south entrance of the facility, still very heavily guarded but not as guarded as the front, so I told my companion, "whatever you do, do not get caught", I tossed a stick a few feet away from us and a guard dog ran after it, then the guards started firing their guns, I think three guards armed with two machine guns and a shotgun, walked over to where they shot, and laying there was the poor dog who ran after the stick I threw.. Why would a guard dog want to play fetch with a stick? The answer still beats me; but the dog was a long enough distraction to get inside the wall.

  We made it inside, I can't believe it, but the mission isn't over yet. Me and my companion snuck to a small concrete shed, nearby the entrance we came into, we sat there thinking it is safe enough to gather our thoughts and go over the plan one more time. As we going over at... BANG! a loud gunshot went off and we looked at the door, standing there was a dark figure, I couldn't see well.. I heard my companion take a gasp, I look over.. Blood was pouring from her stomach.. "No no no no no no" I exclaimed, "No!" I said one more time as she falls over and closes her eyes.

  I stand in silence.. "You're coming with me, or I'll kill you too" the dark figure said. I stand there.. "I can't afford to die here.." I thought, I put my hands up and wait for a guard to put me in handcuffs. A bag was out over my head, I could only hear.. I heard something about making an example out of me... Then the car stopped.. I get tossed out and jerked along them and then was sat down in a dark but bright room.. The lights were bright enough to see through the bag. They bag was taken off my head.. And my eyes widened...

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