"Oh, I come from a land, from a faraway place. Where the caravan camels roam. Where it's flat and immense. And the heat is intense. It's barbaric, but hey, it's home" came the singing voice of an old, small shop keeper. "When the wind's from the east and the sun's from the west. And the sand in the glass is right. Come on down stop on by. Hop a carpet and fly. To another Arabian night"
The shop keeper was a tiny elderly woman. Her silver hair was in a tight bun and her brown eyes sparkled with excitement. Her white skin and American features set her apart from everyone around her.
"Arabian nights, like Arabian days. More often than not. Are hotter than hot. In a lot of good ways." She sang as she unlocked the front door. "Arabian nights, 'neath Arabian moons. A fool off his guard. Could fall and fall hard. Out there on the dunes."
The shop keeper stops at her counter with a puzzled look. "Should it be Seoul Nights?"
She clears her throat.
"Seoul nights, like Seoul days." She tried. "Nope! Doesn't flow right."
The shop keeper turns around to find a customer. "Ah, Annyeong and good evening to you worthy friend! Please, please come in!"
The customer walks into the store looking about.
"Welcome to Seoul, City of mystery, of enchantment and the finest merchandise here at Gypsy Magic! On sale today!" She said rushing behind the counter and pulling out an upside down hookah. "Combination hookah and coffee maker! Also makes chili and fries. Will not break."
she taps the strange hookah on her counter. Part of it pops out and now a spring is seen. "It broke."
The shop keeper has a "are you serious" look on her face as she throws it behind her. She pulls out a box. "Oh what is this? I have never seen one in tack before. This is the famous Dead Sea tubuare. Listen."
She lifts the corner of the lid and makes a farting noise with her mouth. "Ah still good."
The customer turns to leave.
The shop keeper runs out behind her counter to stop them. "Wait don't go! I can see that you are only interested in the exceptly rare. I think then you will be most rewarded to consider this."
She reaches into her robe sleeve and pulls out a golden lamp. "Do not be fooled by it's common appearance. Like so many things it's not what's on the outside but what is inside that counts."
She opens the little lid and peaks into it before putting the lid back. The customer begins to leave again. "This is no ordinary lamp! It once changed the course of a man's life. A young man like this lamp was more than what he seemed."
She looks about her like she is checking if anyone was around. "A diamond in the rough. Perhaps you will like to hear the tale."
She tips the lamp and glittery dust pours out into her hand. "It begins on a dark night." She throws the dust to the ceiling.
The dust turns into stars on the ceiling and the lights dim.
"Where a dark man waits with a dark purpose."