The next morning came in what felt like no time. Skypaw had been roused from sleeping by Sparrowpaw and Lightningpaw, the two toms instructing her to get up and meet them for battle training with their mentors.
Now the group of mentors and apprentices stood gathered in a semi-circle, the three apprentices staying on their paws as their respective mentors sat down.
"Skypaw, you're smaller, therefore more agile. I learned from a young age when faced with cats larger than me that it's better to use my smaller size against them, then try to overpower them with brute strength." Dustyleaf meowed as he turned to face his apprentice, his tail flicking. Behind him, Ashwhisker and Crowflight nodded, the large grey tom leaning to whisper something to the inky black cat beside him.
The small tabby shecat stood beside Lightningpaw, her fur looking more silvery next to her den mate's night colored pelt.
"I want you to study and analyze how Sparrowpaw and Lightningpaw fight each other. Lightningpaw has longer legs which give him more of an advantage." Dustyleaf explained as he took a seat beside Ashwhisker, his ear flicking as the two apprentices faced each other.
As they squared off against each other again, Skypaw could see the way Lightningpaw seemed to tense up more as the seconds went by, and by the time Sparrowpaw lunged for his littermate, Lightningpaw had leapt, his longer legs helping give his leap more power. Allowing the black tom to gain the momentum needed to turn in the air and land behind the dark tabby tom, giving him a chance to nip at his brother's hind legs, causing Sparrowpaw's legs to give out, the brown tabby twisting to swipe at his brother with a hiss.
Lightningpaw let out a grunt as Sparrowpaw's legs kicked out without any warning, making contact with his chest. The two continuing to spar until Ashwhisker called for them to stop.
"Good fight. Skypaw, what did you notice about each of their fighting styles?" Dustyleaf's quizzed, his ear flicking. Lightningpaw sat down, his sides heaving as he breathed, his black pelt ruffled. Sparrowpaw sat down as well, his tail flicking as he began to pick out bits of twig and leaves caught in his pelt.
"Lightningpaw has longer legs so it gave his leap more power, although it didn't seem to give him too much of an advantage since Sparrowpaw's back legs are really strong." Skypaw spoke, her head tilting as she looked at her mentor. She was pleased to see Dustyleaf nod in approval at her words, her eyes flicking to see Ashwhisker give a short nod.
"Correct. Sparrowpaw also has a more stocky build, which helped him stay balanced when he was wrestling with Lightningpaw." Ashwhisker spoke up, his eyes narrowed. He turned as Crowflight cleared his throat, his dark pelted tail curled around his paws neatly.
"Lightningpaw has longer legs which he uses to his advantage, just as Sparrowpaw used his shorter frame to help him with balance. Every cat has their own strength, you must be willing to find it and use yours." Crowflight explained.
"You both did well. I'm going to teach you some basic moves for now, then we can head back." Dustyleaf meowed as he nudged her away from the two elder apprentices. "Now let's see if you've been paying attention."
By the end of the training session, Skypaw had learned how to rear up on her hind paws without falling over in order to deliver a powerful blow from above. She was proud of how quickly she had picked it up, and was even prouder that Crowflight had seen and commented on how balanced she was. She purred softly as she remembered how easy it had felt in comparison to when she first attempted the move, and with an extra bounce in her step she followed the rest of the group back to camp.
"Go ahead and get something to eat. We'll be heading out to the Riverclan border with Breezeflame and Nightpaw soon." Dustyleaf meowed as he made his way to where his littermate Mudpelt sat with a few other warriors.
As Skypaw selected a shrew from the pile of freshkill, she turned, almost bumping into Thistlepaw, who had padded up without her noticing. Redpaw was with him, a bored expression on his face as he followed his friend.
"Sorry." She meowed, her head dipping slightly, her voice polite.
"Watch where you're going next time, kit." Thistlepaw meowed, his voice low and harsh. His pelt began to rise in agitation as he glared down at her, using his height to his advantage.
"I said sorry, you don't have to be such a badger about it." She snapped, her tail flicking in agitation. She felt her temper begin to spark and rise, her eyes narrowing.
Thistlepaw opened his mouth to say something cutting, his amber eyes narrowing before he was interrupted by Nightpaw's long haired black pelt moving past him, her leaf-green eyes narrowed. "C'mon Skypaw, you can come eat with me and Hawkpaw. Snowpaw is coming too." The black shecat meowed, keeping her voice civil as she subtly ignored the golden pelted tom, who let out a irritated hiss at being ignored and dismissed.
"Sure. Let's go." Skypaw let out a rumbling purr as she followed her littermate, her pelt feeling like it was on fire as she brushed by Thistlepaw, his golden brown fur brushing against hers.
"Thanks Nightpaw. I don't understand why he seems to dislike me so much, we used to be so close." Skypaw meowed, her ear flicking. She could feel the heat from his amber eyes staring into her back.
"Oh who cares? Thistlepaw, Redpaw and Sparrowpaw are all arrogant furballs. Lightningpaw's the only one out of all of the toms who isn't rude." Nightpaw huffed as she led her silver furred sister towards a small corner away from the center of camp, where Hawkpaw crouched, his black and grey striped fur smooth and sleek. He had a vole in between his front paws, his tail curled neatly as he waited for his sisters.
"It's hard to believe Lillyspots is actually related to them." Hawkpaw snorted. He leaned down to get a bite, his whiskers twitching in amusement.
"Not so much when you remember Breezeflame is their brother. He's so prickly it's a wonder how Poppyheart can be mates with him." Nightpaw purred. Skypaw laughed, her head shaking.
"Careful, if Breezeflame heard you say that he'd claw your ear." Snowpaw meowed as he padded up, his long furred pelt groomed carefully, his smaller frame settling beside Skypaw, a small mouse at his paws. "How was training?"
"Dustyleaf showed me how to do balance on my hind paws and land a pretty hard blow." Skypaw meowed proudly, her chin lifting. Snowpaw purred as he nudged her cheek gently.
"That's awesome! Breezeflame took me hunting and I was so close to catching a huge rabbit, then stupid Gorsetail and Thistlepaw scared it off." Nightpaw sighed, her ears flicking. Skypaw nudged her sister comfortingly and shrugged.
"You'll get it next time." She promised, Hawkpaw and Snowpaw meowing their agreements.
"Harespring had me learning how to climb trees, he said my pelt is perfect for slinking through the shadows and branches." Hawkpaw boasted. "Just like Stormpelt."
"I think Dustyleaf mentioned showing me how sometime soon, but he's focusing on hunting first. What about you Snowpaw? Is Lillyspots a good mentor?" Skypaw meowed, her head tilting. She was beyond proud that her littermate was training to be a medicine cat, and it warmed her heart to see how his eyes lit up at the mention of his mentor.
"She showed me how to use dock leaves and I got to give Dawnflower honey and chamomile for her nerves. And then I learned how to soothe Mistyfall's bellyache." He meowed. It was clear how excited he was as he spoke, his eyes brightening. "And I even got to help with Timberfrost's wrenched shoulder."