-Billie's pov continued-
Bruh... like wtf.... kill me....
"What mom?!" I shout
I force my dick back in my pants and crawl on the driver's side. Summer fixes her clothing also.
"Billie it's your mother, roll down the window."
No shit sherlock....
I rolled the window down and she pokes her head in the car. She looks around, eyeing Summer and then me.
"Did you finally come to your senses and leave that woman alone?"
"Mom I have to work... I dont have time to for this... I'm still with Mya... so don't make assumptions." I frown
"Look I'm still you're mother... and I want you home."
"Yea, you are... but I've moved out."
"Billie I'm asking you politely... I would hate to get law enforcement involved."
Am I hearing shit?
"Mom you'd really stoop that fuckin low and get Mya in trouble because you're selfish as fuck?!"
"You know what fuckin fine mother I'll be home Saturday!"
"No you're coming home tonight and Mya isn't allowed over."
I zone out afterwards until she walks away. I roll my window up and pound the dashboard. I can't believe she just gave me this ultimatum. She doesn't give a fuck about me only her selfish needs. She has to have someone around and its fucked up she'd threaten Mya and my childs well being because she's lonely.
"Billie, I'm sorry...."
"Look... Summerella, ima need for you to take care of Mya until I figure this shit out." I feel tears wetting my face.... I'm so pissed...
"Of course... whatever you and Mya need from me." She nods
-Summers pov-
What just happened?.... Would Mrs. Eilish really call the cops on Mya and Billie?... I know the age gap is wide but Mya's pregnant... They love eachother so much and in no way Mya is taking advantage of Billie... Billie is the dominant female and aggressor... It really makes me sad to witness this...
The best thing for me to do is keep my big mouth closed. If it wasn't for me thinking about sex we could have avoided her mom. I can't believe I even said I wanted her again. As soon as I see Mya I'm going to apologize. I would apologize to Billie but that would just make things worst.
I've never seen her so blank, its scary.-Myas POV-
I know Billie and I'm pretty sure that she put Summer up to asking me. I know Summer would want Billie again though. I mean Billie knows how to make you feel like heaven, even if the first few minutes feel like hell. And Billie isn't timid, she will whip her penis out without second thought. Besides that, Summers only 18 and has been neglected since birth. I dont mind letting her have some of my Billie until she finds her a girlfriend.
Oddly im neither mad nor jealous. Its something about Summer that puts my mind at ease. I know she wouldn't do some sneaky shit behind my back like Camille. That still hurts and she had my son with her. I told her precisely to keep Roy away from Deshawn.
I swear I wish I wasn't pregnant, I want to beat her ass so damn bad and then she lies. I should have just listened to my son in the first place. They probably been fucking the entire time. When I would come to her crying about him beating and raping me, she was fucking him.
I sigh softly and sink into the sofa as Royal plays Spyro on his ps5. I'm so happy to have my son home. I swear I'm not trusting him with no one except for the two real people I have in my corner.
"MOMMY... look I just killed the bad guy!"
"I see, you really roasted him with your flames." I smile, rubbing his fluffy curls.
"Stop mommy, I'm a big now."
"It's doesn't matter how big you get you're still my baby." I smile
"Okaaay mommy!" He giggles
"Son, why did Camille take you to your dads house?"
"She wanted to wrestle with him... I think... I went to check on titi Mille and dad was naked on top of her fighting..." he shakes his head "I told him get off my titi... but he yelled at me to get out and locked the door."
I'm filled with anger again... foul...
"Don't worry, you wont have to see that again... I'm so sorry son." I hold him.
"Its otay mommy."
✨ some time later✨
Roy and I are watching Inuyasha when baby and Summer walks in. I notice right away the look on their faces. Billie seems numb and Summer looks sad.
"Hey angel, hey kiddo."
"ITS ME BE-LEE!!" Royal runs over before Billie can make it to the sofa.
Billie smiles as she hugs him before coming over to me to press a kiss to my lips and hug me tightly. She holds me for several minutes before pulling away. "I have to talk to you."
"Okay baby...."
"Hey Royal, I bet I can bet you in some hoops" Summer talks to Royal.
"No way, let's go play in my room! I have so much games Summie!"
Summer looks at us both before taking Royal to the room. Billie sits next to me. Her eyes are bloodshot. Shes been crying.
"Baby, talk to me..." I look into her eyes as she grips my hands in hers. She looks up at the ceiling briefly before looking back into my eyes. I'm so scared...
"So I seen my mom and she wants me home.... well her house."
"Oh, she wants to see you baby?"
"Nah, she's making me move back and if I don't she threatened to get cops involved." She confesses "I'm so fuckin pissed man!"