Chapter 1: Loss

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I sat in depression. Katniss was killed by Toby, some man desperate for food. He was a legend. He outsmarted her, but not without difficulty. I wanted her back. Somehow, someway. I didn't know how to cope. The games, everything, it all came to an end.

Surprisingly me and Cato, we became friends. Everything we had was gone, and all we had was each other. Deep in the woods we shared a small cottage. The rain dragged on for days that became weeks, and weeks that became months. Longing for Katniss, I would hunt. It took my mind off of the fact that she had been slaughtered, chopped to pieces, and eaten by a grubby man. I would find him. It was priority. I ran everyday, even cold nights. Winter nights. I will be strong enough to get him. Cato joined me at times, but he mostly spent time with his soulmate, Jaida. I envied him. He was able to have the love of his life, right here with him. My love of my life will never be in my presense.

Anger raged from my chest to my head, so I began to run. I ran my pain off. It somewhat helped with my unpleasant sadness. Sweat filled my face, as I quickly passed branches. I collapsed, landing on my hands and feet. I realized that I had tripped over a log. I gasped for air until I completely fell on leaves that aimlessly had fallen off trees. It was wet, and cold. I didn't care because I was hot. I looked up at the dark gray gloomy sky that hovered around me. Fog filled the tall skyscraping trees. Everything seemed to fade away.

Katniss filled my mind again. Her beautiful face, and personality. A tear ran down my cheek. I began to sob at the fact that I would never see her again. I felt useless. Gradually, I stopped crying. I began wiping my tears, then forcing myself to my feet. I ran again.

In seconds I reached the cottage. There I saw Cato and Jaida standing on the porch. Cato wrapped his arms around Jaida, and gave her a soft kiss. The world faded behind them. I experienced Cato's feelings for Jaida on Katniss. I was happy for Cato, though. He got to keep his love, all I ever wanted. I slowly walked through the mixture of dirt, leaves, and branches, to the porch.

"Peeta, we have some news for you." Jaida cheered.

"Yeah?" I replied plopping on the metal folding chair.

"My friend, I thought she didn't make it through the games, shes coming to our house! She has no place to go, she lost her loved one. Like you. It will probably take about a week for her to arrive."

"Oh, nice. That's real good for you all." I nodded looking down in despair.

"Yeah, I'm going to go make cookies!" Jaida smiled scurrying to the kitchen.

"Okay, hun. Make my favorite." Cato winked.

"You bet." Jaida replied back from inside the house. 

"Maybe you two can get to know each other?" Cato smirked.

"No way. Never." I blurted shaking my head.

"I never said like that. Dammit. You need to move on. Katniss is dead." Cato complained shaking his head.

" You shouldn't have said that. You shouldn't HAVE FUCKING SAID THAT! How the hell do you want me to move on?! TELL ME THE FUCK HOW!" I roared slamming him against the front door.

"Peeta, what the hell! This is why I want you to move on! You're going to fucking hurt someone." Cato angered pushing himself out of my hands that stuck to his shoulders like a tac stuck on paper.

I stayed frozen where he pushed me off. I didn't know how to move. Cato stared at me. 

"Peeta, I'm sorry. I know how you must feel, but it's been months."

I didn't repsond for a while, but he still stared.

"Okay, man, I'm really sorry. I really am. She was just everything. When she died, everything was gone." I apoligized slowly sitting back down on the metal folding chair.

"Well you still got us, and your life. Stop."

Peeta opened the door and went inside the house.I began to cry in my palms. Why did it have to end like this. I kept on seeing her in my head. It started getting dark, and the rain continued to pour. I trudged inside. I decided to lounge on the sofa. I could hear the giggles of Jaida and Cato in their bedroom. They were happy. I wasn't. Why me. A sudden beat came from the kitchen. 

"COOKIES!" Jaida cheered running to the kitchen. Cato followed laughing.

"Can you get me one?" Cato asked from behind the counter.

"Hell no. They're mine." Jaida smiled taking a bite.

"Come on!"

"Fine, I guess I could give you one." Jaida smirked.

"Yum." Cato blurted grabbing the cookie.

"Peeta, want a cookie. They're chocolate chip!" Jaida let out from the kitchen.

"Nawh, you two share." 

"Good, because they are already gone!" Jaida laughed.

I walked into the kitchen to get some water. I found Cato, Jaida, and a plate full of cookie crums.

"Wow, you guys ate that fast." I surprisingly remarked.

"We like cookies." Cato bursted with a funny voice.

They both cracked up. Cato ran over to Jaida, and wrapped her legs around him. The began to kiss.

"You guys are just too cute." I sighed with a crooked smile. 

They both giggled.

"BED TIME!" Cato yelled.

Jaida followed with a laugh.

"TO THE BEDROOM!" Cato chanted piggyback riding Jaida into their room.

I grabbed some water and strutted past their bedroom, to mine. I threw my clothes off and grabbed pajamas. I climbed into my comfy bed, and put my water on the little wooden side table. I closed my eyes and eventually fell into a deep sleep.

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