Oscar Piastri - Accepted Relationship

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Hey everyone! Sorry for the lack of posting this weekend, I've just been super busy but I hope I can go back to regular updating now. Keep requesting loves! This was a request made by LilyHeseltine123  I hope you enjoy it g!

It was the Renault Driver Academy Camp, and we were going to be staying in a place that looked like a hotel, but it was only for Renault so the boys were saying it was like staying in college dorm rooms.

I'm y/n the only girl in the Academy at the moment. Funny how also through motor sports I found my now boyfriend Oscar Piastri, he was here today too however I had no idea how much time we would be able to spend together since we were busy and our relationship was a secret to everyone.

We didn't really want people to know so I didn't get portrayed as something I'm not. We were both important drivers that wanted to make it to Formula 1. I don't want people to know me just for being Oscar's girlfriend.

We had finished training for today, and were now all heading to our dorms. I was just thinking about everything and nothing when I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist, which made me jump a little. "Hi gorgeous" Oscar said.

"Hi, don't ever do that again you scared me!" I exclaimed. He really did scare me because I didn't feel him coming.

"I'm sorry my love, I didn't want to scare you but I saw you were alone. You know I don't want anyone to see us together." He said and started kissing my neck softly. I got goosebumps done my spine.

"Oscar, we really can't do this here, someone will see us" I said, a little scared that someone would see us and say something. Mostly because my godfather Fernando Alonso was around, and if he saw us it would be a total disaster.

He then grabbed my hand and guided me to his room which wasn't far away from the hallway we were standing on.

We arrived to his room and started making out once again, it was very heated and I loved the feeling of having his lips on mine.

Christian's POV:
I was walking down a hallway and then saw y/n and Oscar talking. I was going to walk past them, when I noticed that Oscar was kissing her neck. I decided to stay back so they wouldn't see me to see what would happen, and also so I wouldn't interrupt.

They went to Oscar's room, I walked through the hall  slowly, trying to listen for anything that could prove my hypothesis, of y/n and Oscar were dating.

Shortly after I heard soft moans and groans. I didn't really know how to react to this, they were never together but I also knew that it would be good to ask Alonso if he agreed to this. However, I wanted to confront them before telling him, this so I was unsure of their reaction.

The next morning I woke up looking for Oscar and y/n, I really wanted to confront them. I finally found them after a few minutes and called them out "Oscar, y/n can we talk?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" y/n said.

"I saw you yesterday night kissing in the hallway." I said. Y/n looked at me like I was crazy, Oscar smirked.

"What did you see? You saw like everything?" y/n asked. She seemed genuinely scared, and I had no idea why.

"I saw you guys making out, heading to Oscars dorm, and then I heard things that I probably shouldn't have heard." I truthfully stated.

"Please don't tell anyone, Christian... I really don't want anyone to know." She pleaded.

"I'm going to tell your godfather Fernando about it." I told her

She looked at me but didn't say anything. I ran out towards Fernando's workspace in this camp which wasn't too far away. Y/n was following close behind and so was Oscar.

"Fernando I need to tell you something! It really is important." I said, a little bit out of breathe.

"Speak up Lundgaard, I see you're really eager to talk to me" Fernando Alonso said.

"Oscar and y/n are dating, and they don't want to tell anyone... They've been hiding their relationship for months." I told Fernando Alonso.

Y/n's godfather stayed silent for a few minutes. I really didn't know how he would react and knew that y/n was probably really scared about his reaction.

"Well... if my lovely goddaughter is in a happy and healthy relationship then I think I accept the relationship and also fully support it." He said and then smiled

"Really?!" y/n said in disbelief.

"Sure thing hon, but if he breaks your heart I'll make sure he gets what he deserves" Fernando said threateningly.

Oscar nodded "I promise I won't break her heart Sir, she's an amazing girl" He said.

I was really excited to hear that my dear godfather Fernando Alonso was super happy with his reaction. I really loved Oscar, and seeing that the other man in my life was really in for me dating someone like Oscar.

I kissed Oscar softly and he kissed back. I heard someone clear his throat "I said I accepted the relationship however, I didn't say y'all could do public displayed affection right in front of me" Fernando said and I chuckled.

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