The Hottest Couple

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"How do I look?", he looked me up and down and said, "Beautiful as per usual. How about me?" "Quite handsome." I said while fixing the collar of his shirt. "You ready to go out there?" "As ready as I will be." He intertwined his hand with mine as we waited to be called up by Jimmy, "And here we have our guests, Hollywood's Newest couple, y/n Bennett and Chris Evans!!" The audience clapped wildly as we walked out, waved, and sat on the couch next to Jimmy. "You guys look lovely!" Jimmy said, "Thanks Jimmy, not too bad yourself." I said as the crowd laughed, "So, the world is dying to know, how did you guys meet?" "Well as you guys know, we're currently working on a new movie called The Purest Kind Of Love-", the crowd cuts Chris off by applauding and we both laughed at the reaction, "and we started just ya know, hanging out, getting to know each other, and next thing you know, I took her to Jamaica to ask her to be my girlfriend." The crowd once again applauded and I smiled at Chris while reminiscing the wonderful week, "Wow, that must've been amazing! How was it for you y/n?" "It was great! We got to spend time on the beach while listening to the steel drums and watching the sunset, play games, and do things like zip lining which I was extremely scared to do. But, then came the last day where he had this whole riddle thing going on where I had to find where he was. I looked in my suitcase that had a cheesy riddle inside which led me to the lobby, and down to the beach where he had a beautiful candle lit dinner." Suddenly, the picture we took at the beach appeared on the screen behind us and the crowd went crazy, "Yeah, as you can see on my face, I was shocked she said yes." The audience laughed and Jimmy said, "Well you guys are the perfect match for each other. And apparently you guys are officially named 'The Hottest Couple'." "Really? Wow, word gets around quickly." Chris said, "It sure does. So, we have a game for you guys to play called two truths and a lie. You guys can prove how much you know each other." "Yes, let's do it." I said and everyone clapped as we got up to the game set up on the other side of the room.

We had 30 seconds to write three facts/lie on a card so that the other can figure out what the lie is. I was up first so, I wrote down: I love peanut butter(true), my favorite chips are ruffles (true), and I have a pet fish (lie). My 30 seconds were up and I flipped my card, Jimmy read them out loud and Chris had to guess which one was wrong. "Okay, the first one is true. You do love peanut butter. Second one is definitely true, if you could, you would eat them everyday. And the last one is a lie but, you told me if you ever did you would call him Poppy." The crowd laughed with amusement and I said, "Very correct." The game continued and we eventually finished out the show by giving the world what they wanted (which was to see us kiss) and Chris gave me a sweet but brief kiss, gotta keep it PG. Of course, you could guess what happened next. Afterwards, we left the show and headed back to my house. "I NEED to take off these heels, my feet are killing me!" I took off my heels and laid down on the couch. Chris took off his jacket, moved my feet up, and put them on his lap. He began massaging my feet which felt outstanding, "That feels soo good bug." "I know. You deserve it, looking that good so effortlessly." I smiled at his nice words and got comfortable. He stopped and asked, "Do you want me to get you some comfortable clothes?" "Yes, please." He went upstairs and came back with a hoodie and sweatpants.

He threw them to me and I replied, "Thank you, you know me so well." He chuckled and took off his dress shirt. I took off my dress and slipped on the clothes he gave me. We both sat back down and he continued to massage my feet, "You're so good to me bug." I said while looking at him in awe, "What did I do to deserve this?". "You didn't need to do anything love. I just want to do this for you. By the way, do you want to come with me to Boston next Saturday?" "Yeah, I would love to! I've never been to Boston." "Man, you'll love it bug. I have a surprise over there for you." "Aw man, now you got me all excited!" "Well, don't worry. We have a busy week at work since it's the most drama filled one. Lots of crying and emotions everywhere." "Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna wash up. You wanna take a bath with me?" "Absolutely." he said looking up me up and down. He chased me upstairs and we took a nice soothing bubble bath together. My back was laying against his chest as he kissed my neck down to my shoulder. I've never been like this with anyone, I had to tell him. "Chris?" "Hm?" "I-I'm in love with you." I turned to see his reaction and he was stunned. And to say the least, so was I. "You're in love? With me?" I laugh at his cute blue eyes lighting up like Christmas, "Yeah I am, and I realized it when I was talking with my mom. I told her about you and....she was very blunt with me. Which was what I needed. And she made me realize that you're the one for me." He smiled and laughed faintly before kissing me, he brought me closer with his sudsy hand and leaned his forehead against mine, "I'm in love with you too." I turned back around leaning my back against him and he continued to kiss my shoulders, I wish I could do this all day.

We finally got out of the bathtub and I put on a silky two piece set on with my hair tied up. He was now wearing a plain black shirt with pajama pants. I got under the sheets along with Chris and he wrapped his arms around me. "You smell so good, just like roses with a hint of lavender." "Well, I just took a bath bug." "I know but, you always have this smell. It's addicting as the smell of baby powder." I laughed and faced him, "It can't be that addicting." "Oh trust me bug, it is." He got on top of me and started sniffing my neck, arms, and hair while saying, "Ugh." Every time he sniffed, it was like he couldn't get enough of it. I giggled and after a minute he stopped and just laid on top of me while laying his head down on my chest wrapping his arms around me. "I love you y/n." "I love you too Chris....ya know, I never thought I would be saying I love you to anyone. It's so crazy how you came into my life and changed my whole life up...okay, I'm getting too caught up. Ready for bed?" I waited for his response but nothing was said, "Chris?" I looked down and he was fast asleep. I grabbed the blankets and covered it over us then, I caressed his cheek and turned off the light right beside me. "Good night bug."

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