Chapter 3 What is life?

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Me: I look at the floor, then the window, then the door, trying to avoid her.

** your phone dings **

Your best friend: And who keeps texting you? That's the most I've ever seen you text in one class period!

Me: Umm... it's nothing.... I have to umm.... go to class.

Your best friend: Oh no you don't; I don't care if we're late to class!

Me: What do you mean by.....

** she grabs you by your arm to the bathroom **

Me: Hey! We have to get to class!

Best friend: Not until you tell me what's going on!
Me: Look I wish I could but...

** phone dings again **

Best friend: See what I mean!

*** she grabs your phone and unlocks it ***

Best friend: Oh, Taylor with 😘💕🎉😝 emojis hmmmm? Well you don't like none of the boy Taylor's in this school I know that.

** you stay silent hoping she gets it wrong ***

Best friend: I got an idea!

** she runs in a stall and locks the door **

Me: What? What are you doing? and how do you know my password?!?!

Best friend: I'm your best friend trust me I know things.

** she texts Taylor saying " I'm stuck in English wyd "

Me: What did you send?!! And who did you send it to?!!!!

Best friend: You'll See!

** Taylor texts back saying, " with the guys in the rv watching tv "

** she unlocks the bathroom stall **

Best friend: It's TAYLOR CANIFF?!!!!

Me: SHUSH please be quite!

Best friend: How did you get his number?

Me: Long story but you can't tell anybody please; I told him I won't tell I promised him.

Best friend: I won't.

Me: Thanks.

Best friend: So is that why you can't sleepover tonight?

Me: Damn; are you a detective?

Best friend: Yup I'm your detective. **laughs** But is that why?

Me: Yea it is, we're going dirt bike riding.

Best friend: Oh just the two of you sounds like a date to me!!

Me: No **laughs** it's us and the boys.

Best friend: WHAT!!!!!! THERE HERE!!!!!

Me: SHUT UP!!!! and yea but shush!

Best friend: I'm just mad about how you didn't invite me!

Me: I guess I can see if you can come; but be quite.

Best friend: Really? Girl thanks; we better get to class though.

**** school is over and your at your house *****

Me: Taylor texted me saying he will meet us like in 3 minutes. Can you shut all the lights off please?

*** you hear a car horn and you guys step outside****

Me: Yay!! Bike time!!!!!

Best friend: Let's do this!!!!

** you both enter the rv and the rv starts driving ****

JJ: Woah another new guest?

Taylor: Yea who's this?

Me: Well this is my best friend in the world Hannah!

Hannah: Hey guys!

JJ: Maria can I speak to you?

Me: Um... sure?

JJ: Umm... your friend there she is kinda cute.

Me: Oh Johnson!

JJ: Shush shush! Can I ask you something?

Me: Go ahead.

JJ: Is she single? Hannah that is?

Me: Yea she is, why are planning on asking her out?!!

JJ: Shush man, and maybe I just have to get to know her first.

Me: Well DUH!

JJ: Dude, I'm kinda scared to talk to her.
Me: Why? She won't bite; it's ok talk to her. ** glances at Hannah ** I mean yea she will probably freak out at first that she is speaking to you, but it's ok she will snap right out of it and have a conversation with you.

JJ: Ok! I'm going in.

Meeting your love Taylor Caniff ( a half true/fake story)Where stories live. Discover now