Chapter 7

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After his fight with Mew, Gulf went home to get ready for his meeting with James, he knew that he overreacted and he shouldn't have made such a big fuss over all this but what could he do Mew always behaved with him in such a high handed way, he knew Mew and his way of showing concern towards his friends but sometimes he just goes over board with his possessiveness which confuses Gulf a lot.

G: uhhhh.......don't think about him just concentrate on getting ready James would be here any time now.

With this Gulf starts to get ready after sometime he hears the front bell and goes to open it.

G: you are early

J: i just wanted to make sure that the date is still on.............

G: this is not a date...

J: it is we are going to watch a movie and then dinner its the perfect recipe for any date,

G: don't talk nonsense otherwise i will call this whole thing of.

J: okay, don't get so agitated i was just joking come on lets watch the movie

with this both of them go to the living room, Gulf starts the movie and then joins James on the sofa, both of them enjoy the movie and after the movie gets over Gulf asks James.

G: so.......lets have dinner

J: why are you in such a hurry lets just sit and talk for some time

Gulf started to feel uncomfortable with the way James was looking at him and was cursing himself for agreeing to meet him,

J: Gulf

G: Yes????

J: I like you Gulf would you date me????

G: UHHH.........

on the other hand Mew felt guilty with the way he had behaved with Gulf so he decided to go to Gulf place in-spite of Mild warning of not interrupting Gulf and James as soon as he reached Gulf's place he entered his apartment using the spare keys that Gulf had given him but when he entered the room the scene in front of him made him see a mist of green.

M: WHAT THE bastard leave him (when he saw James holding Gulf hand ad proposing to him)

when Gulf saw Mew he tried to push James but James was not ready to leave him on the contrary he pulled him more towards himself and told Gulf something that confused him like hell

J: you will thank me later.......

M: get away from him you bastard, didn't you hear what i said???

with this he came forward and pushed James away from Gulf, Gulf had never seen Mew so angry he got a bit scared but with some daring he asked Mew.

G: Mew calm down.............what is wrong with you???

M: you are asking me to calm down when this guy is proposing you WHATS WRONG WITH YOU???

G: so what Mew....what is so wrong with him proposing me????

M: everything, he cant propose you and why are you asking me this throw him out

G: why should i ???

M: because i said so

G: that's not a good enough reason Mew....

M: THEN I WILL  (with this Mew pulled Gulf towards himself and kissed him)

G: MEW...(shocked, at the same time James quietly sneaks out.)

M: I don't know how to say this, but these feelings I have for you I dont know how to say this to you,Gulf don't love anyone else I wont be able to bare this please....

with this he again kisses Gulf, after sometime they both calm down and then sit on the sofa

G: so what are we now still phi nong .............

M: are my boyfriend

That's it guys.......

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