Daddy's so Proud

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1 week before Exam

Izuku was on a video call with his dad. The screen flicked on and a man smoking a cigarette appeared. A splashing of ocean and a moonlit sky in the background.

"Izuku your growing like a weed."

"Good seeing you dad." Izuku said.

"I got your message. Your actually graduating and your trying for UA!" Hisashi Midoriya said.

"Yeah dad I'm gonna take the entrance test in a week." Izuku said.

Hisashi light his cigarette with his tongue and flipped it back around.

"Boy if I catch you with one of these your ass is gonna be blistered hotter then-

"That building Endeavor melted back in July of XXXX." Izuku and Hisashi said together. "I know dad."

"Thats my boy." Hisashi said.

"Hey dad..." Izuku said "check this out."


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" son..." Hisashi said stamping out his cigarette.

" Hisashi said stamping out his cigarette

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[Picture this]

"My boy has my quirk." Hisashi had fallen to the ground shaking "I don't think I've been so proud in my life."

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