~Chapter 12~

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"So, Why did you leave the lunchroom in such a hurry??", Dami asked after I calmed down complete.

" Y-You n-noticed?", I asked in complete shocked.

"Huh?, Of course I did..... Why wouldn't I? You know how worried I was for you, when I couldn't find you anywhere.", He said frowning sadly.

Does that mean that Dami cares for me?

Of course, he does Dummy!

I just couldn't help but smile happily at that thought.

I quickly kiss Dami on his cheek before hugging him happily.

I pulled away slowly after a few seconds, only to see Dami looking at me with slightly widened eyes and a cute soft pink tinge on his cheeks.

Aww, he looked so adorable.

"Um....... What was.... that for?", he asked scratching he's neck nervously.

"Because I'm really very happy now!", I squealed happily.

"That's.... it ?", He asked a bit confused.

I nodded my head in agreement as I was unconsciously bouncing on my tippy-toes.

"Then I'll keep you happy all the time", he said as he kissed my forehead slowly.

" You are so–––", I started saying but he interrupted me!

"Don't say cute! I'm not cute, I'm Handsome!! ", He said pouting slightly.

I couldn't help by giggle at his cute behaviour.

"Say I'm very handsome, right now, or it won't be good for you.", he said trying to sound scary, but I could clearly see the small smile trying to make its way on his cute lips.

How much more cute can he get?

" Okay, You are very....... CUTE!!!", I squealed loudly before turning and quickly running away for my dear life.

But I guess I wasn't very successful because just after a few seconds, I ran straight into a wall.

A very hard wall I must add.

Owie, I felt tears fill my eyes as my head started hurting a bit. I even felt a bit dizzy and everything around me was spinning.

I was about to fall, but I suddenly felt the wall wrap its hands around me and save me from falling.

How is that even possible??

Walls don't have hands, right?

I look up only to see that Mr Jones was holding me steady by my waist, saving me from falling again.

Oh, I ran into Mr Jones and not a wall.

"Thank you, thank you so much for saving me once again today.", I thanked Mr Jones smiling thankfully towards him.

"It's nothing sweetheart, just be careful next time", he said smiling at me.

My eyes widened in realization as I finally connected the dots...

Mr Jones is a Superhero just like the ones in the movies. That's how he always come to my rescue!

Wow! I really can't believe I'm so smart.

Our conversation was interrupted when I heard someone clear their throat.

I turn to see who is it, only to see Dami looking at us with narrowed eyes as his jaw was clenching with anger.

One second I was standing peaceful the next, I felt myself pulled away from Mr Jones and wrapped in Dami's hands so fast, just like magic.

Before I could say anything the bell for next period rang.

"Go to your class safely and See you later," then looks towards Dami and continues "my Sweetheart.", Mr Jones said smiling.

From the corner of my eye, I could Dami giving Mr Jones a harsh glare as Mr Jones walked away smiling to his next class.

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I really Hope you'll like this Chapter.

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