It has been a day and a half. They found the green matter and its been on the move for a while now. Ash is fully healed and getting herself taken care of. Danielle has gained her full power after the red matter's fight, Brynn has been occasionally disappearing to go and watch through the citizens eyes of the situation with the green matter. All the rest of them have been training for this moment ever since Ash had almost been taken down. Now, everybody was ready, preparing themselves. Zada had been practicing with portals, Sebastian sharpening his demon wings, Bastian summoning fires and timing them, Breanna helping Bastian by putting out the fires in a good enough time. Elliot had rebooted his search system, so now he can watch all the members on one single camera, Maddie practiced forming a shield in a short amount of time and making sure it stayed. Addison made sure she had enough energy summoning the souls, and Silas practiced his healing for later on. Margoleen said that it was her duty to take over Silas's part-time job during the fight and help out with the people around. Danielle prepared her light stars and her light staff, Ash learned to better eject a sun beam and Anaclaire paired up with Masada for practicing the sleepy tornado. Tegan practiced his overtake off all animals, Susanna practiced and perfected her earth levitation skills, and Evan mainly made his rainbow prism stronger. They all had been doing these things to prepare for the fight, and they knew they might end up losing. But if they do, it'll be in the police's hands to stop the madness. They are just hoping it doesn't come to that. Brynn stayed within range of the matter and made sure to let them know when it was time. The alarm went off in the facility and everyone got into the open elevator and rose up to the roof, or the surface of the earth. Zada portaled herself to the fight, Brynn came out of a citizen's mind, Sebastian teleported through smoke, Addison teleported through the help of her fellow souls. Danielle teleported with a bright shine of light Anaclaire and Ash teleported with their sun and moon, yin-yang powers, and Evan teleported through a rainbow beam. The rest of them ran to the scene, which most of them had super speed if they were land-bound. "Green matter's on the move guys. We need to do this quick in order to capture it before it destroys the city." Brynn announced. Maddie flew away and onto a rooftop to conjure her capture dome. Susanna made a rock base around them while Elliot built on top of them as a shield. "What do we do? What's the plan?" Anaclaire asked. Everyone looked at Addison and Elliot for guidance, but, nothing came. Then, a crack appeared at the top of the dome. It started growing bigger, and bigger, and bigger by each time whatever was on top hit it. Danielle put up a barrier, closing all of her friends inside the dome, and the ice dome broke and a green being crashed down upon Danielle's shield, very hard in fact. Danielle fell to her knees backwards and the shield slowly went away. Addison caught her right under the arms and flew her away. "Alright, guys, one TM down, we need to do this with the flow. Do whatever you can to attack it, and don't let it be away from you in less than 1 mile." Addison said into the intercom, panting. The rest of them started to attack, but it didn't seem the same as the regular fights they held. They normally had a plan, but this time, they didn't. Addison flew Danielle back to the facility and checked her pulse. There was no existent heartbeat. Addison did CPR, and finally got Danielle to come back to life after five tries. "W...what happened....?" Danielle said in a low, exhausted voice. "You had your shield up to protect us, and that matter came down, hit your shield, and for whatever reason, affected you. You need to stay down for a bit and let your body heal." Addison said calmly, stroking Danielle's hair. Danielle fell asleep at an instant, and Addison sat there with her until she woke up. "Guys, you almost lost your best teammate. Don't let me or her down on this one." Addison muttered.
Susanna thrusted her hands into the ground towards the matter, and it hit the block hand away. It burned one full side of the hand, and when Susanna let go, it had burned the same area on her hand too. Ash and Anaclaire ran in and shined an eclipse light toward the matter. It started fading out and in, and Elliot came in and threw ice shards into it's back. The matter turned around, and with dark green, glowing eyes charged at Elliot, knocking him unconscious. Margoleen leaped in front of him and did her wave toward the matter. The matter fell back onto the ground while Brynn made ropes pulled from people's dreams wrapped around its matter. Margoleen fell forward to her knees, and then the matter awoke, breaking the ropes. Bastian made a field of fire in front of the matter's feet, and it stepped in it. Once the matter did, it started to burn the matter's own fire even more, so the matter did nothing to Bastian. Breanna, though, splashed water from the top of a building onto the matter, hurting him very badly. He flinched and twitched, and then lashed out toward her, sending her flying miles away from the city. "Evan, go after her!" Elliot muttered into the intercom. Evan flew as fast as he could to catch Breanna in her fall. He successfully caught her in mid-air and flew straight back to the fight, while healing her on the way. "Addison, we got another one down, but she is strong for who she is. We need to heal her quickly." Evan said into the intercom, flying to the facility. "Brynn, try and get inside the matter's head. It wouldn't be as smart as it is without a brain." Addison said. Brynn realized what she had to do, but it could be dangerous. She opened up the portal in front of her and walked right in. It closed behind her and everything went quiet. The matter started whining with pain, and then a portal opened back up again and the matter's energy flicked Brynn out of his head. The portal closed as the arm went back in, and Brynn stayed on the ground for a little bit. She wiggled her fingers at the matter, then he started to slow his movements, and then got into a sleeping position, and fell to the ground. "This was harder than we thought Addison. How long can you hold him Brynn?" "I put a sleep tick inside his brain and it lowered his energy levels, which they were really high. We'll have to let me go in there a couple more times to plant more so we can collect the matter in an orderly fashion, but let me take a breather." Brynn puffed. "How long do you think he'll stay down?" Margoleen asked. "About 30 minutes, so he should be waking up soon, but if I plant a couple in there, it could give us 2 hours to collect his matter." Brynn said. Everyone nodded and made sure they had areas blocked off. Elliot conjured an ice dome around the matter and the team, and closed it after Maddie shot through so she didn't miss the closing. Brynn stood back up after Silas healed her, and conjured three more sleep ticks. She opened the portal again and walked through. The matter suddenly began pulsating a couple times, but did stay down. Brynn walked back through the portal, and looked happy that it went better than it did last time she tried to do that. "He'll be asleep for about 2 hours guys. So get to work." Maddie let her shield go and started holding this huge closable bowl of scooping matter into it. If anybody touched the matter, something unexpected would happen to them. "Also guys, there is a name for this matter, and it's called the Poison matter, so it poisons anything it touches. So don't touch it!" Addison said through the intercom. "Addison, Danielle must have that matter inside her, slowly keeping her unstable. You need to monitor her and have someone come help you and extract that energy before it takes over her body." Elliot said. "Brynn, Silas, once you guys are done cooling off from whatever, come and help a sister out, would you?" Addison said. All of the intercom's had some sort of noise for each person, and since Addison wasn't with Danielle at the point in time, her line went blank. Everybody knew what happened except Addison. "Addison?" Susanna asked. "Yeah?" "Go check on Danielle. She might be gone." Susanna said. Addison looked up from the book she was reading, and realized what happened. She conjured a darkness teleport portal and appeared right in front of Danielle. Addison held her index and middle finger up to her main track of blood, and no heartbeat was detected. ",, no this can't be" Addison repeated this sentence in random order as she mourned in front of her deceased girlfriend. "Why could this have happened...." Addison started sobbing as she turned off speakerphone on her own intercom. "You can't leave me now, we're too close!.....please...please..." Addison turned her speakerphone back on and called on Brynn and Silas. "Guys, get over to the facility right now. A life is at stake here!" She turned her speakerphone off and Brynn and Silas appeared right in front of them. Brynn let go of Silas, and went through Dani's mind portal. There was straight silence for a good half-hour. Then, something came in on the intercom. "Guys, it's cluttered in here, I've been standing here for almost 2 minutes, and if I touch any of it, I'll be corrupted as well." Brynn said. "Brynn, you've been standing there for almost a half an hour. Come on out and we'll figure something out." Addison said. Brynn sighed in defeat, and came out of her portal. Once Brynn had sat down next to Addison, something else came up. "Addison, I'm coming to the facility. I think I have a way to heal her." Sebastian said. They needed all the help they could get, so they accepted. He appeared behind Addison, and sat down next to her. "I only have a small bit of healing powers, and I can only use it once. If Brynn gets rid of all that bad matter in her mind, I can keep my hand on her shoulder so the matter can transfer to me. I can deal with a big amount of pain without actually dying. So if we can pull that off and keep Brynn alive and maybe even me, and be healing Dani in the process, I think it's worth a shot." Brynn stared at Sebastian with bright eyes. She stood up and said: "When did all of a sudden you become so smart!" She opened a portal and stood in front of it waiting for Sebastian. "Silas, hold Dani with her head cradled while they do the work, and I'm heading back to the fight. Be careful, and let me know when they're almost done with the process." Silas nodded and switched places with Addison. Addison disappeared through her darkness portal, and Silas was left alone cradling Dani in his lap. "Everything will be okay Dani, we promise."
Addison appeared where the creature made up of matter laid, and she gazed at it, trying to figure out how to capture this type of matter. "Maddie, I'm going to ask you to do something crazy." Addison said scarcely. "I'm okay with crazy. And also plus, if we don't do this right, it'll be bad." Maddie said. "You can read minds now?" Addison accused. "No, I just have a feeling that you are gonna say try and trap this thing in the largest shield possible. Did I get that right?" Maddie asked. Addison sighed and then started laughing. "That is absolutely correct!" Addison chuckled. "If this doesn't work, I might have another idea having to do with Zada, but we'll see. Be careful Maddie." Addison warned. Maddie started forming a shield around the monster, and it captured him fully. "Now, what do we do now?" Maddie asked. The monster started to wake up and started to break through the shield, and Addison signaled Zada to conjure a portal below the monster inside the shield. The monster fell through and there was silence. Maddie let her shield go and it was still silent. There suddenly became a crack in the sky. It got bigger and bigger and bigger until it let the monster out. The monster was falling, a couple years a second. Evan, Addison, Maddie, Elliot, and Zada flew up to the sky crack and followed the matter as it plummeted down. Zada started to conjure a galaxy orb to hold the matter in, Elliot created an unbreakable ice shield where the matter was about to land, Evan made a prism net for it to catch on as the beginning impact, and Maddie and Addison mixed their powers together to create a darkness held together unbreakable crystal orb to let it stay under the galaxy orb. "Alright, Margoleen, get over to Zada quick so she doesn't get taken over by any of the matter, NOW!!!" Addison screamed. Marogleen ran over to Zada as quickly as possible. She put her arms around Zada as Zada finished up the orb, and the matter burned right through Evan's prism net, broke through Elliot's unbreakable ice shield and landed straight into the galaxy orb. Addison and Maddie held the dark crystal under the orb for a while, waiting in case the matter fell right through it. They finally captured it! "Guys, there's something wrong..." Margoleen said. "Get away from her now!!!!!!!" Everyone backed away as fast as they could and Zada let go of the matter's orb, and it went everywhere. Zada was engulfed in it, and nobody could help her. "Elliot, I have an idea." Evan said. He conjured a prism door into the matter, and it cleared a pathway to Zada who was inside the matter. Elliot went through the door as Evan held it there for the longest time. Elliot finally collapsed out of the matter holding Zada in his arms. He set her down as Evan and Addison inspected her. "Sebastian, Brynn and Silas, do you read me?"
Back at the facility, Danielle was still in a coma-like state. Silas sat there as he heard Addison on the intercom. "Yes Addie?" "How we looking on her body clearance?" Sebastian and Brynn were still clearing out her mind, which they were 95% done. "Almost done. What happened?" "We'll need Brynn and Sebastian to do the same thing to Zada." Addison said, hopeful that they were still alive. Finally, Sebastian and Brynn stepped out of Dani's mind, and her mind was clear. "They just got done, and Dani should be waking up soon." Silas said on the intercom. "Guys, you're going to have to do this process one more time. Maybe even two more times. You guys better heal up quickly, and then you can start the extraction." Silas said to them both. Sebastian nodded as Brynn walked him over to the healing table, and laid him down on it. "Addison, capture that matter, then bring it here so we can extract it into its former home." Brynn said into the intercom.

Elemental Wish
AdventureAddison and her friends go to a sleepover on a school weekend, just to hangout. They find a secret hidden basement underneath Addison's basement of her house. They discover a colorful string-like orb. What will happen after they found it?