Camila thought she would never see Lauren Jauregui again after that night in her apartment. She believed that throwing her out in such a cruel way also symbolized throwing her out of her life.
The sad painter didn't want her around, that was clear.
And, though it hurt, Camila had begun to accept the fact that their lives were going in two completely opposite directions.
Of course, cruel as always, life planned a new encounter between both broken souls.
It was while Troy was writing to Joy and Camila was designing a new tattoo for a wealthy customer that the entrance bell rang.
She didn't turn to look. She'd lost the habit, she had no one to wait for.
She was surprised when, seconds later, she heard footsteps slowly approaching. It was strange, for she had not even heard the voice of the person who had come in.
When she turned, her heart began to beat quickly.
Her eyes, without expecting or wanting it, had met with those of Lauren Jauregui.
"You're going to tattoo her" The blond guy murmured with melancholy.
Troy also noticed Lauren's change. He also saw her sickly skin, the dark baggy clothes that had been phenomenal to her before. He also noticed her low look.
"I..." Poor Troy stuttered. That was uncomfortable for him "I think I'll let you work, Mila."
The young man left quickly and, although Lauren was there, Camila was beginning to feel very lonely.
"I know I promised you'd never see me again, Camila" The painter whispered while taking small steps towards the wall with the drawings and the quote of Harper Lee "but I need a new tattoo... And you made them all, and I don't trust anyone else."
And, although that was not the time that many would've considered indicated, Lauren let a couple of tears slip away.
"Why are you crying, Lauren?"
Lauren sighed.
"The dragon and the unicorn are still there" Lauren sobbed as she looked at the drawing she had made shortly before leaving her. Camila's heart shrunk as she remembered it "...and they love each other, Camila. They're happy."
"And they will remain there, loving each other with happiness, until you lose all the hopes you still have. Until you lose all your opportunities."
Camila couldn't have known, but this simple phrase was the trigger for all the disaster that followed.
"Then it is a pity that they have to leave soon."
Camila asked Lauren to take off her jacket and t-shirt so the job of tattooing her would be easier.
The painter obeyed without saying anything.
She didn't address seductive comments or compliment herself. She did nothing to allow Camila to believe that old Lauren was still there, hiding in some corner of sadness.
Camila could notice the edges of her ribs clearly, and her skin was even sicker in the area that the sun didn't strike frequently. Her collarbones were too hollow... and both arms, from the wrist to the shoulders, had cuts of all kinds of size and depth. Some old, some new, but ultimately cuts.
"There's really no chance you'll stop doing this to yourself, Lauren?"
The painter didn't answer.
The only free space in that long column of sad dragonflies was only a few inches above her coccyx. The end had come.
Camila patted the space gently, feeling in this way how very weak her painter really was. She could feel every bone, every vertebra, every weak movement.
Her skin was cold.
She wasn't Lauren.
"Are you disgusted of me?" An old love with a broken voice asked her.
Camila sweetly denied and began tattooing Lauren Jauregui's last dragonfly.
Lauren told her it must be black, small, sad and lonely.
The tattoo artist, holding back her tears, wondered in her mind who had passed away that time.
"You don't disgust me, Lauren. You're just... you're not what I remember."
"I know" There was sadness in her voice.
Camila sighed.
"Why do you do it?"
Camila wanted to understand her so she could help her, but she didn't know which of these two things was really the hardest.
"Do what?"
"Destroy yourself."
The painter let out a sigh.
"I don't think I have anything better to do."
When the tattoo was ready and Lauren put her clothes back on, Camila found her eyes crystallized. She had hoped to hug her as she did the first time, but Lauren didn't approach or seem willing to receive her in her arms.
She had her only a few steps away, but she felt so far away.
"It's the last dragonfly" Lauren let escape through of her dry lips.
A terrible knot formed in the tattoo artist's throat.
"It's the end, Camila."
Lauren said it calmly, as if these words were not synonymous with pain, but with liberation.
She said it with a smile on her face.
"Be happy, Camila Cabello" She begged before turning around "...Forget me."
And, without further ado, she started to leave.
Camila didn't run to her or try to stop her. Her legs didn't respond. Her mind was tired of suffering. Her body could only collapse in her work chair, and her heart only managed to suffer a little more every second.
The only thing she was able to do in the midst of her deplorable state was the question whose answer shattered her heart into a thousand pieces.
"Who did you lose now, Lauren?"
The painter sighed and responded without looking at her.
That same night Camila cried on Dinah's arms, which she did quite often.
"I'm just so tired, Dinah. So frustrated" Sob "...Are you okay, Lauren? Are you okay?" Her tone of voice was filled with bitter pain "and then nothing, just me suffering for her."
"Are you sure that's all this is about?"
Camila looked at her. She was very confused.
"You meant well, Mila, but you didn't ask the right questions."
"Right questions?"
"How were you able to ask someone with depression if they were alright?" Dinah questioned "She was clearly not okay!"