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You wake up after a really good sleep and the house smelling strongly of alcohol, you hear heavy and slow footsteps coming from the living room. You had gonna home after you and Bokuto had hooked up and left him to clean himself up, you were half asleep by the time you walked back and didnt bother taling a shower. You begrudgingly get up and move your hair out of your face, going to the bathroom quickly and going out into the living room. Your head was still hurting from the loud music to the alcohol that you drank but it wasn't anything you hadn't felt many times before. You lazily walk out into the living room to see Bokuto and Kuroo groggily talking to each other quietly. You look down seeing as you slept I  your underwear but you didn't care, you went over to the 2 of them and made them look at you.
"You guys are a mess, let me get you guys cleaned up. How long did you guys stay?" You let Kuroo lay on the couch as you leaned Bokuto against the couch, undressing him and moving the hair out of his face.
".....uh.....2!" Bokuto looked up at you with closed eyes and red cheeks, you out the back of your hand against his head and sigh, "Jeez Kotaro, you most likely have a fever. Kuroo let me check you." You walk over to Kuroo and check his head, he wasn't, thank god, but he did have an intense headache so you quickly got him an icepack.
"I'm never taking you guys to a club again. Kuroo, honey is Kenma alright?" You bend down infront of him and talk to him in a soothing tone. He groans and pulls a hand to his head and scrunches up so that his legs are touching his chest.
"Okay sweetie, sleep and once you wake up I'll give you medicine~." You run your hand down his side and stand up going back to Bokuto, you lead him to his bedroom and sit him down.
"Can you take the rest of your clothes off? Do you want to take a shower?" You go over to his closet and get him some clothes, he nods his head and looks you up and down smiling.
"You gave me heeaaad~ you gave me heeaaad~!" He gets up and grabs your ass while walking into his bathroom, you bite your lip and throw his clothes at him rolling your eyes, "Take a shower and I'll do everything else."

You were preparing food for you 3 when Bokuto had gotten out if the shower, he didn't come into the kitchen but you heard his music playing from his room (you left the door open). You divided the food onto plates and got Kuroo's headache medicine, going over to him and pulling his blanket down, you unbuttoned his shirt and woke him up.
"Honey...wake up I made food, here's your pill, do you need water?" You help him sit up and rub his hair softly, he slowly and hesitantly nods while holding his head. You show him a soft smile and go to get him a water bottle and his food, you bring it back over to him. You rub Kuroo's cheek before taking Bokuto's plate and going into his room, setting it on his nightstand and sitting next to him on the bed. You admire his back and hesitantly put your hand on him, running your fingers up and down, feeling exactly how toned he really was. Laying next to him you look at his sleeping features and the upward curve of his lips, they were the usual peach color but they did show more a more rosy color which made them seem more round. All around his sharp features seemed softer and less intimidating, which mimicked Oikawa's, you could tell that you missed Oikawa but him cheating and lieing was wrong.
"I'm sorry, I should've never came with you." You whisper to yourself while biting your lip, it hurt but you deserved it, you were a hypocrite, a liar, a whore. Oikawa doesn't need you, no one does, you're just his fuck toy and once he gets done with you he'll throw you away. Run away, end it, end yourself for him, for Oikawa. He would be happy with you gone, end it. He did nothing wrong you were the one who did the wrong you drove him to that it was your fault It was your fault.

1 day later, Bokuto pov

"Hey Akaashi? I know you just came back from your trip but have you seen Y/n? He was taking care of me and Kuroo yesterday and then disappeared... I'm getting worried." I walk into Akaashi's room as he's reading a book, he looks up from it and motions me over.
"What do you mean? Have you tried calling Oikawa?"
"Yes and he hasn't saw him, he said that he's been too focused on volleyball. I've tried texting him too but he didn't even read it." Akaashi sets his book on the space next to him and turns his full attention to me.
"Well, if no one has seen him...what time was it when you last saw him?" His voice showed worry and I didn't blame him, what if something bad happened to him? Is it my fault that he's gone? Oh god.
"I-I think it was about....2pm? I'm worried Akaashi what if he's hurt?!" I get on my knees and grip onto my shoulders, he looks up at me and puts a hand on my cheek, "Get ready quickly."

"What are we doing?" I tug on Akaashi's shirt as we quickly walk down the street.
"It's been more than 24 hours since you last saw him, if we can't find him we go to the police." He sighs and grabs onto my wrist.
"A-Akaashi is it my fault?" He stops and looks back at me confused.
"Why would it be your fault? You couldn't help it."
"BUT I COULD'VE! I-I went to a club with Kuroo and them, I brought Y/n. We weren't drunk but we...yeah. He went home with Kenma and then yesterday he helped me and Kuroo with our hangovers since we got drunk after. I took a shower and fell asleep on my bed but I woke up to Y/n mumbling to himself, I didn't think it was important so I didn't move..." I pull my wrist back and grip onto my sides, a sick feeling in my stomach and tears appear in my eyes, Akaashi moves closer to me and pulls me into his embrace.
"It's not your fault Bokuto-San. You didn't know, plus you don't know if he left right after that. Now, I need you to tell me where you think he is." He lifts my face up and smiles as he wipes my eyes, I compose myself and nod while clenching my hands.
"I have a few places we could check! Come on hurry!"

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