Chapter 28

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I walked to Jaden's house and knocked on the door. Once I knocked on the door and Jaden's mum embraced me in a hug.

" good afternoon Amy" I acknowledge as I step inside

"Good afternoon"


"coming" Jaden huffs as he walks down the stairs 

"Hey babe" I say as I see Jaden walking down

"hey" Jaden says trying to not make eye contact 

by now jaden and I just stood there in silence. Amy left to go cook and prepare for dinner. 

"Come upstairs" Jaden finally says


 I invited y/n to brake up with her. I just don't think that we would be right together and it wouldn't go back to the way it was. I know this is gonna hurt her but I think it would be for the best.

"JADEN COME HERE Y/N IS HERE" I hear my mum shout

great. not only did I break her heart once I'm going to do it again

I walk downstairs and see y/n

"Hey babe" She says happily

shit this is gonna hurt her more then I thought

"hey" I say a little more rudely then I planned

We just stood there in silence. Mum went to the kitchen to start cooking tonight's dinner

"come upstairs" I say


I follow Jaden up the stairs and sat on his bed

"So what's up why did you need me"

"So um I have to tell you something"

Shit what is it going to be

"Yeah go on" I signal him

"So um I think we should breakup"

"Why? Did I do something wrong??" I ask

"No um... I- I don't think this is going to work"

"Oh um" I bearly say

I just stared at the ground completely speechless

"y/n say something" 

"um" I said well it sounded more like a croaked

"well..." Jaden said in anticipation

"I guess the feelings sorta mutual" 


"I guess the feelings sorta mutual" She finally announces

I was in complete shock. I thought I literally hurt her feelings and she said that she felt the same. I'm so confused!

"I guess?" I repeat


"Yeah... I mean I wanted to have another go but I guess if you don't want to then I guess we'll end it" I conclude

"I am still confused. Have I even hurt you at all???"

"I guess a little but it's fine I don't want history to repeat itself" I say

"I mean yeah I guess" 

"so then it'll be fine. friends? and stay friends?" 

"Yeah I guess" I say still so confused

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