4.0 - End up here

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[you won't regret watching 5sos sing End up here live]

"You remember how I told you last week about that surprise?" Luke asked Mary. They were currently in Luke's house, sitting in the kitchen and eating some toasts that Luke had made for them.

"Yes." Mary exclaimed, nodding her head furiously, already feeling giddy just by the mention of it.

"Everything's set now." Luke smiled, feeling really happy over how excited his girlfriend was.

"For real?" Mary asked, she'd kill Luke if he was lying.

"Yes." Luke laughed, his eyes crinkling at the sides, biting down on his bottom lip.

"Oh god, I can't wait." Mary shrieked before she stood up from the table and walked over to Luke to give him a big hug and a kiss to his nose (Mary secretly had a crush on Luke's nose, it was just so cute and yeah wow).

Mary started to walk towards Luke's bedroom with Luke following closely behind, the toasts all eaten up.

"Oh yeah, by the way," Luke started, "I'll have to blindfold you."

"And you say I'm the kinky one." Mary giggled, looking over her shoulder back at Luke.

"This is not the same." Luke argued, he felt embarrassed by being called kinky.

"Yes it is." Mary pushed jokingly, loving how she still had this kind of affect on Luke.

"Let's settle with that both of us are kinky." Luke mumbled, blushing when he used the word kinky.

"Sure." Mary laughed, lightly spanking Luke on the ass.

"God." Luke muttered, his cheeks probably bright red by now.

Fifteen minutes later both of the two were all ready to go out, Mary with a bandana around her head as a blindfold.

"If I crash with something I'm going to kill you." Mary threatened Luke to make sure that he didn't do anything stupid whilst leading the way with his hand securely wrapped around Mary's.

"Baby, don't you have any faith in my?" Luke gasped, faking sadness.

"Nope." Mary said before letting out a short giggle.

After ten minutes of walking Mary started to grow impatient, not being able to see made everything seem so much more unbearable.

"Are we there yet?" Mary pouted.

"Soon." Luke sighed, sensing that Mary had had enough.

"I'm tired." Mary softly whined, she was such a baby at times.

So Luke decided to act upon it and stopped walking, turning his back to Mary who abruptly stopped walking because of Luke's sudden halt.

"Jump onto my back." Luke said, his hands already behind him and below Mary's bottom.

"You sure? I'm kinda heavy." Mary asked hesitantly.

"God, Mary," Luke laughed, "a feather weighs more than you do."

Luke gave Mary a light tap on her ass to encourage her and to let her know that he was waiting in which Mary jumped onto Luke's back (which was much harder than it seemed since Mary couldn't see anything).

"Good girl." Luke smiled before starting to walk again.

"We are here now." Luke finally announced another ten minutes later, and lowered Mary to the ground.

"Wow." Mary giggled, clapping her hands together in pure excitement.

"Stand right where you are and when I tell you to take off the blindfold you do that," Luke commanded Mary, "okay?"


"Okay." Mary smiled, nodding her head.

With one sense disabled Mary could somewhat hear much better, she could hear how Luke was walking away from her and she could hear some faint whispering in the background.

After a minute or two Mary could hear the obnoxious noise of a speaker being turned on.

"Take it off now, Mary." Luke shouted out to Mary in which Mary quickly snatched off the bandana.

In front of her were Luke along with his three other band mates, all of them in their typical positions with their instruments ready.

"1-2-3." Ashton started, hitting his drumsticks together in tact.

"You walked in
Everyone was asking for your name
You just smiled and told them "Trouble""

Mary's head was already starting to spin, her heart already beating faster.

"My head spins
I'm pressed against the wall
Just watching your every move
You're way too cool
And you're coming this way
Coming this way"

Mary could by now practically feel tears starting to pool in her eyes, she couldn't believe that Luke had written a song about her, about them. She couldn't believe that Luke had noticed her right from the start.

"How did we end up talking in the first place?
You said you liked my Cobain shirt
Now we're walking back to your place
You're telling me how you love that song
About living like a prayer
I'm pretty sure that we're halfway there
But when I wake up next to you I wonder how
How did we end up here?"

Mary let out an inhuman sobbing noise, Luke had done many sweet things before but nothing - absolutely nothing - could compare to this.

"How did we end up,
How did we end up here?

Next day out
Everybody thought you were so insane
'Cause you were so far out of my league

My friends say I should lock you down
Before you figure me out and you run away
But you don't and you won't as you kiss me
And you tell me that you're here to stay"

Mary thought back to that day, a week ago, when Luke had confessed about how his friends had reacted to him telling them about her.

"How did we end up talking in the first place?
You said you liked my Cobain shirt
Now we're walking back to your place
You're telling me how you love that song
About living like a prayer
I'm pretty sure that we're halfway there
But when I wake up next to you I wonder how
How did we end up here?"

Mary really found the song catchy, when she had stopped the emotional sobbing she could actually enjoy the tune as well.

"Call me lucky 'cause in the end
I'm a six and she's a ten
She's so fit, I'm insecure
But she keeps coming back for more

How did we end up talking in the first place?
You said you liked my Cobain shirt
Now we're walking back to your place
You're telling me how you love that song
About living like a prayer
I'm pretty sure that we're halfway there
But when I wake up next to you I wonder how
How did we end up here?

How did we end up,
How did we end up here?

How did we end up,
How did we end up here?"

Mary didn't know what to do, the music had by now died down and she felt so overwhelmed. She was the one that was so fucking lucky to have a guy like Luke. She fucking loved him to death.

Without even thinking about it Mary had started to run off towards Luke (who had already put down the guitar and was just waiting for his girlfriend's reaction) and jumped up when she was close to him, Luke immediately wrapping his arms around her small form so her feet weren't touching the ground anymore.

"God," Mary sobbed out, "I fucking love you."

"I love you too." Luke said, tears of his own rolling down his cheeks, spinning around with Mary in his arms.

The other guys saw their emotional crying as their cue to leave the couple alone.

"I can't believe you, that was so sweet," Mary cried before laughing softly over the fact that they were such dorks (adorable dorks).

Luke carefully started to bend down to sit on the ground with Mary on his lap.

"I find it easier to express my emotions by singing about it." Luke confessed, somewhat calmed down by now, his face in the crook of Mary's neck.

"God, I'm the luckiest girl alive." Mary said before bringing Luke's face to hers with her hand and connecting his lips with hers.

All of their feelings were shared through that kiss and neither of them could feel any happier than they did at that moment.

Everything felt settled, they knew that everything was okay now. They knew that they had each other and nothing else really mattered. They had had their ups and downs but how can a roller coaster roll without some speed?

"I love you."

"I love you too."


I can't believe that end up here is almost over like how?? Like there's only the epilogue left now?! I started this in July 2014 and now, seven months later, I can finally say that I've finished writing an entire fanfic from start to finish wow. I want to thank all of you that read this and especially those of you who vote and comment because I always get so happy.

I hope you've enjoyed Mary's and Luke's journey. But don't think that this is the end of them, we've only borrowed them for a period of time and now we're just letting go of them. They are their own persons that we got the chance to get to know.

If you have any questions considering this fanfic you can ask them here.

If you enjoyed this silly fanfic I hope you'll enjoy my Calum fanfic "Voodoo doll" where we get to follow Calum and Kate!!! woooooooo

This was so long but yeah I love every single one of you!!!

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