The Christmas Bet: Part 4

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You know that part about it being a chat fic? I've discovered that I hate doing that so I'm going to avoid doing that and make it mostly story from from now on so I can finish it quicker. Don't worry, it will still be fun.

Anyway, onto the story!




Oikawa chuckles as he watches his husband struggle to guess who Sakusa was dating. Osamu had informed that Suna had gone and bet on Iwaizumi which encourages Oikawa to believe that most of everyone else ha gone and done the same thing. 

The bet had barely lasted for three before Hinata had made a dumb mistake and accidentally posted a tweet exposing the hold bet (hah, take that Daichi-kun)

"Oikawa, are you really not gonna tell who you're betting on?"

Oikawa smiled at him, "No dear. You have to find out for yourself."

He slid off the counter he was sitting on, "And you'll find out who it is at the party. Besides, why do you wanna know who I'm betting on."

Iwaizumi narrowed his eyes at him, "Because you know more than you're letting on."

Oikawa raised an eyebrow, "And why do you think that?"

"I've known you for a long time, Tooru. You're smarter than you look."

"So you're saying I look dumber than I actually am?"

Iwaizumi shrugged, "Hey, you said it not me."

Oikawa gasped dramatically, "Mean Iwa-chan!"

Iwaizumi chuckled as Oikawa playfully hit him. He then turned his attention back to his phone where his eyebrow once again began to furrow in frustration.

He threw his head back and groaned, "C'mon Tooru, you've gotta at least give me a hint."

Oikawa hummed, tapping his pointer finger lightly against his chin before smiling cheekily.

"How about no?"

Iwaizumi glared at him, "You are so annoying."

Oikawa chuckled, walking to where Iwaizumi was sitting on the couch.

"You love me anyway." He said as he leaned down to press a soft kiss against Iwaizumi's cheek.

Iwaizumi mumbled something  under his breath but let the tall brunette kiss him anyway.

Oikawa made his way to their bedroom, waving his hand as he walked away from his husband, "Don't try too hard, Iwa-chan! You'' strain that tiny brain of yours!'"

"Shut up Shittykawa!"

Oikawa let out a giggle and walked into their bedroom and closes the door. He pulls out his phone and eagerly send a text to a specific contact.

Osamu and Oikawa's DMs

Oikawa: Iwa-chan is so frustrated with the bet right now.

Osamu: Suna thinks he's got it in the bag

Osamu: he doesn't. he really doesn't.

Oikawa: Wait you wont ask how I know this?

Osamu: please it's obvious

Osamu: ...and atsumu told me

Oikawa: well what about the others

Osamu: i have no clue and i don't really care

Oikawa: then why don't you tell them

Osamu: because i'll loose the money?

Oikawa: hmm, okay then

Oikawa: I'll ask them

Bokuto's hair was deflated as he threw his torso onto the kitchen counter, a frown visible on his face.

Akaashi sighed, "Is this still about the bet?"

"Keiji, I really wanna win it!" Bokuto exclaimed.


"...But I don't any clue on who it could be."

Akaashi pulled off the apron that hung on the seat next to Bokuto after he turned the stove. He threw the apron lightly onto Bokuto. Bokuto looked up at Akaashi with a a confused look.

"We'll figure this out later. For now," He placed a bowl of vegetables in front of him. "Why don't you help me cut these up?"

Bokuto was silent for a moment before he gave his husband a huge smile, "Okay Keiji!"




"Kitten, you really need to rest."

"Let me just finish this level."

Kuroo sighed. Kenma had been trying to beat an extremely hard level for a few hours now. Every time he got to winning though, another monster would pop out of seemingly nowhere and kill him. Kuroo had tried getting the younger to go to bed for a long time but the latter refused saying that he was almost done.

"Kenma honey, you can finish it in the morning. You have that livestream tomorrow and it won't do your channel any good if your half asleep the whole time.

"You've spent just as much time on that dumb bet." Kenma deadpanned, eyes still fixed on the screen.

Kuroo sputtered, "W-well, maybe if you had told me who you bet on I wouldn't have spent so much time on it!"

Kenma paused his game and turned to look at his fiancé with a blank look, "You do remember that it took me 5 years to to realize that you liked me?"

Kuroo stared back before a moment before he spoke again, "An right. When it comes the knowing when people like you, your radar is non-existent."

"And now that I look back, you were really obvious about it too."

Kuroo frowned but didn't deny it, "Are you gonna have dinner?"

Kenma remained silent.

Kuroo sighed again, "I also made apple pie."

Kenma without a word shut off his gaming station and walked past Kuroo. When Kuroo walked into the living room, he saw that Kenma had tied his hair into a messy bun and was eagerly waiting at in his seat.

Kuroo chuckled, "I should have known that the apple pie was gonna be the turning point."

Kenma pouted, "Okay fine, I got caught up in my gaming. Can I please have the pie now please?"

Kuroo shook his head fondly before he walked into the kitchen, "Not until you finish dinner first. The pie is for dessert."

He heard Kenma grumble before he answered, "Fine."

Kuroo smiled as he prepared two plates of curry and rice.




[Wait till the next chapter for the reactions of the rest of the ships!]

A Christmas Bet- SakuAtsuWhere stories live. Discover now