danielle didn't know where she was going but it wasn't home...
after seeing stefania so upset earlier driving in her car she decided to go and check on her. she felt horrible for the way she treated her that night and didn't want to call or text her to apologize. it wasn't right. in danielles mind the only right way to apologize was to do it in person. so thats where she headed.
when she got to stefania's house after getting stuck in gof awful traffic it was about 11:30 pm so she was hoping that she wasn't asleep.
when danielle got to her house she noticed that the light to the living room was still on but everything else was pitch black. she finally got up the courage to knock. you see when you stand on stefania's front porch you can see right into the living room if the blinds weren't shut (which they weren't). danielle noticed stefania passed out on the couch with 2 bottles of wine empty, 2 tubs of ice cream and a bunch of wrapers everywhere on the table. she knocked again but stefania was still passed out.
Danielle didn't know what to do...
does she use the spars key under the mat and go in and help get stefania to bed... what that breaking and entering?
does she just leave her and go home?
she knew she probably shouldn't go in because it could be against the law but something was telling her not to leave stefania alone like that and to help her out. so she did.
she reached under the mat got the key, unlocked the door and walking into stefanias house. when she walked in she locked the door behind her and went over to the could. she gently called stefania's name but she still didn't wake up and he face looked all puffy from what danielle assumed was from all the crying but she still thought stefania looked as beautiful as ever.
she gently placed her hand on stefania's cheek and lightly stroked it and said her name a couple more times. she watched stefania open her eyes ever so slightly.
stefania looked up at danielle very confused as to what was going on which made danielle giggle because she thought she had the most cute confused face ever.
S: whats going on? what are you doing here?
stefanias eyes started to well up and she started crying again
D: awe stef don't cry, come here.
danielle lifted her head up so that she could sit down on the couch and put stefania's head in her lap and began stroking her hair in hopes it would calm stefania down a little bit. after a couple minutes stefania stopped crying and just layed there while danielle held you... she felt safe.
D: I got your letter.... stef you really-
S: it's okay danielle you don't have to talk about it.... there's nothing to talk about remember?... it was all my fault. I messed up so I took responsibility for it and now im suffering the consequences.
D: no stef thats not it at all. I over reacted. I took out my past hurt on you because I thought you were just like everyone else... and I shouldn't have done that....
S: what if I am like everybody else? what if all I ever do is hurt you? what if-
D: im willing to take that chance. stefania, all I ever do is think about you. I think about what could have happend if I didn't leave that day. I think about what would be if you didn't basically quit your job because of me. I want you to be happy stef even if that means your not with me.
S: danielle, I don't want to hurt you. I can't live with myself If I ever hurt you again.
D: well then maybe we just stay friends for now. we can take it slow and start fresh. I want you in my life stef. I can't let you get away again.
S: Dani I-
D: no stef im not taking no for an answer. but it is getting late so I have to head home soon cause my call time tomorrow is at 8 and its already almost 12:30.
S: is it really?
D: hahaha yeah, what time did you fall asleep?
S: I don't know, all I remember was finishing episode 6 of gossip girl and then I think I passed out.
D: did you drink all that wine?
S: yeah.
D: that probably why, here lets go get you some water and then we will get you up to bed.
S: okay
danielle walked stefania to the kitchen holding onto her so she didn't fall because she was a little stumbly after all that wine. all of a sudden danielle hears something upstairs... almost like a pitter patter
D: uh stef...
S: yes bella?
D: you live alone right?
S: yes why?
D: I um... I dont want to freak you out... but I hear something coming from upstairs
stefania just looked at danielle, knowing that it was just Jeff but thought that it was cute and funny how worried danielle was.
the noises where getting closer, now coming down the stairs
D: stef get behind me
S: oh bella, don't be ridiculous...
at this point danielle is now standing in from of stefania thinking that its some kind of intruder
next thing you know just as the sound it right around the corner danielle runs out of the kitchen shielding stefania as if she was trying to scare the intruder away... when she comes eye to eye with the cutest got she had ever layed eyes on.
stefania toppled over she was laughing so hard
D: okay that was not funny
S: oh but it so was
Stefania is still laughing so hard that she can't find the strength to get up off the floor
D: oh I hate you so much
stefania almost immediately stopped laughing
S: I- what
her eyes started to well up in tears again
D: oh no stef I didn't actually mean it I was just playing around. come here
danielle pulled stefania up off the floor and grabbed her into a big hug that stefania did no oppose to.
they both pulled apart and looked at eachother, faces only like 5 cm apart. they both smiled and danielle broke that silence
D: okok, it was kind of funny
S: seeeee
and they both started laughing
still holding eachother stefania pulled danielle closer and Nuzzled into the crook of her neck
D: so who is this handsome fella
S: well her name is Jeff and shes a girl
stefania and danielle both giggled
D: well hello there Jeff, stefania's gorgeous Queen. it's nice to meet you. I hear you play a great intruder.
danielle and stefania stand there for a couple more minutes.
D: ahh it's already 1, I should probably get going now
S: why don't you just stay? I have an extra room upstairs, you can borrow some pajamas and some cloths for tomorrow! I also have extra toothbrushes and everything like that too
D: are you sure? I dont want to intrude
S: oh nonsense bella. im not taking no for an answer.
D: okay but only on one condition.
S: and what would that be?
D: you call krista and say you changed your mind about being Maya's love interest because if you don't they will find be a new one and frankly I only want you to play Maya's love interest.
S: okay fine, you've got yourself a deal!
stefania makes a quick call to krista who was luckily still awake amd tells krista that she changes her mind, that she thinks Carina needs something new and that playing Maya's love interest would be perfect. krista agrees and tell stefania that she needs her to start tomorrow and she agrees.
will they just stay friends offset? or will they fall even more in love with one another and eventually get together?
thats a secret ill never tell.....
hahahahaha just kidding but we will have to wait and see what happen next...