The Nightmare

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RaMona Week 2021

Day 4: Dream/Nightmare


It was the middle of the night when Raphael began tossing and turning in his sleep. His heart was starting to race as his body shook anxiously. Suddenly Raph opens his eyes and jerks up from the bed in a terrified panic, waking himself up from his deep sleep. Sweat ran down his face as his heart felt as if it were about to burst from his chest, screaming and demanding to be let out. Raph was in an inner battle with himself, fighting his feelings of fear, anxiety, and stress he quickly felt when he woke. Raphael had a nightmare unlike anything he's ever had before.

Raphael begins to slow down his breathing to calm himself. He rubbed his eyes, now wide awake and knew he wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. Not after having that dream. In the corner of his eye Raphael notices his wife, Mona Lisa, peacefully sleeping by his side. A faint smile was on her lips as he watched her gentle breathing patterns.

Raph sighs in relief, "I didn't wake her... Good."

He doesn't want Mona to worry about him. It was best that she was still asleep, though Raph was envious that she was peacefully asleep while he could not return to bed. He was too scared to. So Raphael got out of bed and left their bedroom, leaving Mona alone to dream.

Raphael quietly heads downstairs of the farmhouse, trying his best not to wake anyone else in the house. As he made it down the stairs he went to the back porch of the farmhouse, carefully opening the back door and sitting down on the outdoor steps to look out at the dark night sky with its shining stars above. Moving to live at April's old farmhouse was a decision he and Mona made shortly after they got married. A place to happily live in peace to raise their children, along with Chompy who's grown quite big after all these years. They were away from the city, with no humans to disturb them. Though Raph had problems with the farmhouse when he had to live there when he was a teenger, he now enjoys living in the countryside of New York. The calming outdoors and the clear night sky helped Raphael relax as he thought over what happened to him.

"It was just a stupid dream..." Raph tells himself as he aggravatedly rubs his head.

Raphael looks out at the night sky and the forest surrounding the farmhouse, seeing the cool breeze making the tree move in its pattern, its leaves dancing with the wind. Raphael takes a deep breath, admiring the fresh air as he hears crickets chirping and owls hooting in the night. It was a beautiful night. It almost made Raph forget what was bothering him so much.

Raph slowly sighs, "You would've loved it here, father..."

"Raphael?" A quiet voice says from behind him. Raph turns around to find Mona Lisa by the door of the farmhouse, still in her pajamas, but now wrapped in a robe to keep herself warm. She looked at her distressed husband with worry, "Are you alright? I woke up and you were gone."

"I'm fine, Mona," Raph answers, turning away from her, refusing to make eye contact, "Just go back to sleep."

"Are you sure?" she asked, "You look pale."

"I said 'I'm fine'..."

Mona examines her husband, seeing his defensive response. She knew something was bothering him, "Raphael, you can't hide things from me," she tells him, "I know how you can get. When something troubles you, you go into full denial."

"I do not!" Raph quickly shouts, offended by her claim.

"Keep your voice down," Mona says sternly but still in a quiet tone, "You'll wake the children."

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