Wednesday January 27th, 2021
Dylan's POVToday was the day of the concert. I was super excited to say the least. I hadn't stopped smiling from the night before and surprisingly none of the girls had asked me about it.
When I woke up only Dani was up so I had the advantage of taking a shower without someone rushing me. I was in the middle of my shower when I noticed a bruise of my leg. I touched it lightly and groaned as it hurt. I immediately knew it was because I was forced to sleep with Anna once again.
"Anna you jackass," I said as I came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.
"What did I do?" She asked looking confused as she gathered her things to take a shower.
"I have a bruise on my leg and it hurts like a bitch," I told her as I grabbed my lotion.
"Don't be dramatic." Anna rolled her eyes and went into the bathroom.
"Let me see," Madi said coming closer. I lifted my leg on the bed to show her, making sure not to flash her. "Damn."
"Exactly! I don't know how I keep getting stuck sleeping next to Anna." I said before I started to get dressed.
"Oh yeah Zach called," Madi said before laying back in bed. My eyes widen.
"What when?"
"When you were in the shower. Don't worry I answered it."
"Noooo! Why would you do that," I said throwing a pillow at her.
"What's the big deal?" She asked confused. I shook my head.
"Nothing." I looked around the room and found Dani sitting in the corner typing on her phone furiously. "Who are you texting?" She looked up and her brows were furrowed. I could tell that whoever she was talking to was making her upset.
"Jonah," She sighed before putting her phone away. "Abby said she's on her way." Today us girls were going on a speedboat sight seeing tour of Miami as we wanted a chill day before a fun night.
"What were you talking about?" I asked her as I buttoned up my jeans.
"Nothing Dylan."
"Who is the guy from New Years?" I asked her making her annoyed.
"Dylan!" Dani exclaimed making me jump. "Leave it alone! Ok?" I nodded knowing if I didn't she would get even more upset.
We sat in silence, with Madi and I occasionally talking, for the next 10 minutes until Anna finished showering. When she came out of the bathroom she was fully dressed.
"So Dylan when were you going to tell us you and Zach kissed?" I dropped my phone on my face.
"What?" I exclaimed.
"You heard me," Anna rolled her eyes.
"You guys kissed?" Dani asked.
"No!" I denied it really quickly.
"Yes you did."
"How do you know that?" I challenge Anna.
"The guys saw you."
"And which one of them told you?"
"I'm not telling you that," Anna said flipping her hair.
"Was it Jack?" I asked and she shook her head, smirking. "Daniel? Corbyn? Jonah?" She said no to all on them.
"Then who told you!" Madi said getting frustrated.
"It doesn't matter who told me. What matters is who didn't tell me."
"I didn't tell you guys because it isn't that big of a deal," I tried to shrug it off.
"Not that big of deal!" Madi yelled jumping from the bed she was on to the bed I was on.
"Ok I lied it is a big deal!" I jumped up so we were both standing up on the bed. "It was so amazing!"
"Did he kiss you or did you kiss him?" Anna asked climbing on the bed also.
"Sit down!" Dani snapped at us. We all fell down so we were sitting on the bed instead of standing.
"He kissed me," I told them. "But he asked first. Isn't that so amazing?"
"Ah yes we love consent," Anna said clapping.
"Tell us all the details. Did he wrap his arms around your waist? Where were you arms? Was it a slow kiss or a fast kiss? I need to know!" Madi said grabbing me by the arms and pulling me close.
Before I could open my mouth the door opened and Abby came walking in.
"Hey guys," Abby said taking a seat on the bed closet to the door, which was the bed we were sitting on. Instead of answering her Madi and Anna just waved before turning back to me.
"Hi Abby," I said waving also.
"What's up?" She asked confused.
"Zach and Dylan kissed," Dani, who was back in the corner once again typing on her phone.
"Wow," Abby said, her eyes wide. "Isn't he like 20?"
"19," Anna corrected quickly.
"But that doesn't matter," Madi added after Anna.
"It does matter," I told her.
"Whyyyy!" She whined.
"Because it's illegal!" I flung myself back on the bed in a huff.
"A lot of things are illegal but that doesn't stop people from doing it," Madi fought.
"Madi!" Anna said.
"I mean she's not wrong," Abby joined making us all look at her confused. At of all us we expected Abby to be the one to shut the idea down. "I'm mean I'm not saying you guys should be together. That's your business. I'm just saying that there are a lot of illegal things that people do all the time. For example it's illegal to give oral sex in Missouri but people still do it. Actually a lot of people."
"Abby your rambling again," Dani mumbled still looking at her phone.
"Let's just change the subject," I offered to which everyone agreed.
"Dani get off your phone and spend time with us," Abby said. At this point it was about 10am and Madi had just gotten in the shower. Dani was still on her phone while Anna, Abby, and I were talking about random things.
"No! All this is your fault anyways!"
"How is it my fault?" Abby said getting up and making her way towards Dani.
"Just look!" Dani shoved her phone in Abby's face. Abby took the phone and started to read what I assumed was texts between Jonah and my sister.
"Ok maybe it is my fault," Abby said passing Dani back her phone. "But it's your fault too!"
"How is this my fault?" Dani said upset.
"You need to learn how to communicate better."
"That's not my fault that's," Dani stopped herself before looking towards. "Never mind." Then she stormed out of the room.
"What just happened?" I asked Abby. Abby stared at the wall for a while before turning to me.
"Nothing for you to worry about," Abby said before following after Dani.
Dani's POV
I stood outside the hotel room wiping away my tears. Even though I hated to admit it Abby was right. I was horrible at communicating and I knew I was treating Jonah badly. I was just afraid. I've never had this feeling about anyone. Let alone someone famous. Being with Jonah made me doubt everything about myself. It frightened. I had never been worried about how I looked before, or how I acted, or how I talked. I had never compared myself to anyone before I met Jonah. I always believed that everyone was different and I shouldn't try so hard to be like someone else.
When I saw all the girls Jonah had dated in the past, I got scared. So I pushed him away. Breaking his heart before he had the chance to break mine. We have only know each other for a couple of months, but the time we spent talking was amazing. He made me smile so hard I wanted to cry. And know here I was crying.
"Dani," Abby whispered. I sobbed into my hands turning away. See! Before I met Jonah I wouldn't have hesitated to ugly cry in front of anyone let alone Abby. Now it was different.
"Dani I'm sorry," Abby said wrapping her arms around me.
"Don't be sorry," I choked out.
"You need to calm down or else you'll make yourself sick," Abby told me rubbing my back.
"Why did he leave me?" I sobbed out to Abby.
"I don't know Dani. I wish I could help you," Abby said soothingly in my ear. "I wish with everything that I could help."
Hey guys! I decided to do a small part in Dani's POV so you can learn more about her. Tell me how you like it. Don't forget to comment, share, and vote.