Chapter 1

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Serenity watched in awe of the blue planet rising above the horizon. Ever since she was a child, she'd daydreamed of setting foot on that beautiful blue world. What were the people like? What did her home look like from there? Her mind filled with eager questions. A smile broke out on her face. Today, she might actually get answers to some of those questions. An envoy from the kingdom of Earth was due to arrive at Silver Millennium.

Earth's prince would be among them.

"It's time, Serenity." Queen Serenity's regal voice interrupted her thoughts.

Serenity nodded and followed her mother to the main hall. Their footsteps echoed softly down the marble halls. It was difficult to maintain her mother's sangfroid when her instincts impelled her to race down the corridor to the throne room. Her mother must have sensed her impatience. Queen Serenity chuckled quietly to herself. In spite of her name, her daughter was rarely serene. Serenity took a deep breath and made an effort to maintain her royal dignity. It was definitely not one of her strong suits.

After what seemed an interminable distance, she and her mother arrived at the throne room. Together, they walked out into the bright silver light. The court of Silver Millennium was full - everyone was in attendance. Even a few of the Sailor Guardians from the outer planets were present. Princess Serenity gave a decidedly un-princess-like wave to Sailors Uranus and Neptune. She hadn't seen them since she was very small. They waved back with amused expressions at the young princess.

"Serenity." Her mother whispered a warning.

Ducking her head, Serenity smiled sheepishly at her mother and took her side at the throne to await the envoy.

Trumpets sounded and the doors to the main hall swung open. A small group of men and women entered. Serenity's gaze flicked from one person to the next, curious about the people of Earth and their prince. Their clothes were heavy and formal, almost militaristic. Serenity was aware there were many wars fought on Earth. There never seemed to be an end to the conflicts.

It saddened her to think about it. Her sadness, however, was only momentary. Her eyes had landed on an arresting face in the group. Her breath caught in her throat. She couldn't take her eyes off him. He was tall and his shoulder's broad like a warrior's. His eyes were a deep blue like sapphires. Despite his cool expression, he had a kind face.

"Wow." A smile tugged at Serenity's lips at the sound of Sailor Mars' gasp. She hazarded a glance to her left at the guardians in residence. Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Venus were equally impressed with the man standing before them. Serenity agreed. He was incredible. She wondered what his voice would sound like.

The envoy came to a stop at the throne and bowed. An older man at the head of the envoy knelt and spoke. "Queen Serenity, we are the envoy of the kingdom of Earth and this is our prince. Prince Endymion."

Serenity celebrated inwardly. She had hoped he was the prince. Prince Endymion raised his head, his blue eyes colliding with hers. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach under his gaze. His full lips curved in a gentle smile. Serenity blushed shyly, unable to look anywhere else.

Queen Serenity inclined her head. "Welcome to Silver Millennium. This is my daughter, Princess Serenity."

"P-please enjoy your stay." Princess Serenity spoke, the flush in her cheeks deepening. The weight of his gaze made her nervous, but she was loath for him to look away.

Prince Endymion felt his mouth go dry. He was standing in the presence of an angel. He hadn't been thrilled when his father sent him with the envoy to the Moon Kingdom. He had many responsibilities he was reluctant to leave behind. Now, he could barely remember what those responsibilities were. The princess was radiant. Her blonde hair fell down her back like spun gold. His hands longed to run his fingers through the silky strands. Her blue eyes were soft and gentle as her shy smile. He couldn't stop looking at her. Her white and gold dress swished quietly as she shifted her weight in front of him.

Abruptly, he realized he was staring and hadn't heard a word Queen Serenity had spoken. It took all of his will to focus on the Queen. He prayed it wasn't obvious that he was distracted.

"Please make yourselves at home."

"Thank you." He replied, his eyes sliding once more to the princess.

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