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‘WHAT?’ Jungkook screamed on top of his lungs.

‘What? I have what? And what?’ Jungkook said not being able to comprehend the situation.

‘I’m sorry to say this Mr.Jeon but you have a brain tumour and it’s the terminal stage. Even if you receive treatments your life will prolong for only 2-3 months. And surgery is impossible.’ The doctor said.

What happened was Jungkook went grocery shopping and suddenly fainted. So people in the supermarket contacted the ambulance and sent him to the hospital and when he woke up he heard this news. He was bewildered with the situation his faced with. He started crying not knowing what to do.

‘Please doctor make sure my family doesn’t come to know this situation. I will tell them myself when I fully able to accept this.’ Jungkook begged the doctor.

‘Well its doctors priority to listen to their patients requests, so I will comply with your request.’ Doctor said and left Jungkook.

Jungkook sat in the bed staring at nothing particular trying to process everything.
‘If I have 1 year at the most who can I leave Jungsoo to take care of him? My poor baby… I can’t leave you…’ Jungkook talked to himself and cried.


‘Mommy why are you late?’ Jungsoo asked as soon as Jungkook stepped inside the house.

‘Mommy had something to take care of baby.’ Jungkook said and brought Jungsoo for a tight hug.

‘Kookie didn’t you go to buy groceries?’ Hyerin asked when she saw Jungkook empty handed.

‘Uhhh… that…. I had to attend to something else in the middle of grocery shopping, so I completely forgot about it.’ Jungkook said.

‘Fine, you looked tired I will go and bring the groceries.’ Hyerin said.

‘Noona, I’m fine. I’ll go… you do more work than me. This is nothing. If I lived alone I’ve to do all the things myself. So just take care of my baby I’ll go…’ Jungkook said and turned around to go.

‘Forget it kookie. I’ll go. You just came back from whatever business you had. I’ll go. Let me take some fresh air as well.’ Hyerin said and went to grab her wallet and exit the house after bidding byes for Jungkook and Jungsoo.

‘Alright my baby. Now you and me are alone. What do you want to do?’ Jungkook asked turning to Jungsoo.

‘Let’s watch lion king…’ Jungsoo said and Jungkook nodded his head and set to setup everything so they could watch the movie comfortable while cuddling with his son.


Taehyung was lying on the floor after punching the punch bag to relieve his anger. Eventhough Jungsoo is not his son he felt a great affection towards the little boy. And he swears that he will kill Minhyuk on his own hands if he harms Jungkook and Jungsoo.

He is frustrated because Jungkook prohibited him from visiting them for personal purposes. However, he felt like he want to go and see Jungkook and somehow try to win his heart.

‘Bro, seriously what’s wrong with you?’ its Namjoon who came to talk to Taehyung. They left Taehyung to be alone after he stormed out of the room other day.

‘I confessed to Jungkook but he rejected me hyung.’ Taehyung said. Well Taehyung says everything to Namjoon and Jin because they are the ones whose most close to Taehyung.

‘I’m not surprised. Honestly, you deserved that rejection because you did the samething for him. Taste of your own medicine.’ Namjoon mumble the last part inaudible for Taehyung however, Taehyung heard him but chose to ignore it.

‘Tell me what happened?’ Namjoon said.
So Taehyung explained everything and told him their conversation and what Jungkook said regarding the confession.

‘I have to side with Jungkook on this one. What he said was right.’ Namjoon said ‘when it comes to love you should be able to sacrifice so many things. Love is beautiful as well as painful. It’s the most challenging thing in this life. Its rare that now people love selflessly. People are selfish nowadays they take but don’t give. Love is like give and take also trust. Trust is the most important thing when it comes to a relationship. If the trust is broken then it hard to gain that trust back. You know what I mean right. Think carefully, don’t give up on your love.’ Namjoon said and patted Taehyung’s shoulder and went away leaving Taehyung alone in full of thoughts.

‘Trust is it? That means I have to work hard to gain your trust and prove my love to you… I’ll definitely win you again kookie. I lost you twice but I don’t want to lose you for the third time as well.’ Taehyung said to himself and got up with a determined expression on his face. God know what he is planning.


The movie is playing but mother and son are lost in their dreamland. Hyerin came after grocery shopping and found Jungkook and Jungsoo fast aslepp on the couch with the movie playing on the background. She shook her head and switched off the tv and covered the duo with the blanket and kissed their forehead.

While Hyerin was arranging the groceries Jungkook woke up. He carefully laid Jungsoo on the couch and went to help Hyerin.

‘Did you sleep well? You two must have had a nice dream right to be smiling like that?’ Hyerin asked.

‘Noona what dream? It felt peaceful. I had a peaceful sleep. Dream free sleep.’ Jungkook said.

‘What do you like for dinner noona?’ Jungkook asked Hyerin.

‘There’s time for dinner. Here I bought a cake because I craved for it. Lets enjoy this for now and later on talk about dinner.’ Hyerin said and they proceed to arrange the grocery.

When Jungkook and Hyerin were about to enjoy the cake doorbell rang. ‘Aish… which jerk is disturbing when we’re about to have something delicious.’ Hyerin cursed and Jungkook laughed slightly.

‘You enjoy the cake I will answer the door.’ Jungkook said and Hyerin nodded her head.

Jungkook opened the door and was shocked to see the person he said he doesn’t want to meet unless on missions.

‘Taehyung… what brings you here?’ Jungkook asked.

‘Lets go on a date…’


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