Chapter 12

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Rosè's POV

"Babe wait ..!!" Lisa shouting while chasing me

"Babe !!" She repeatedly said

"What!?" I annoyingly ask while still walking

"Just wait me up" She said and run faster to chase me

"Hey" She hold my hand so I stop walking

"I'm sorry for not obeying you earlier" She said while my back is facing her

"Lisa" I shortly said still not facing her

"Yes babe?" She asked

"About what I said yesterday----" She cut me off by hugging me on my waist

"Are you sleepy..? Come on let's go to our room" She said while hugging me tight

"Lisa---" She cut me off again when she pull out the hug and go in front of me

"I love you" She said but I look away

"No I love you too?" She asked

"Lisa---" I was annoyed when she cut me off for the third time ..

"Let's go" She drag my hand and about to walk inside the building but she stop when I shouted her last name

"I said Manoban!" I let go of her hand

"Are you that dumb huh!" I shouted while I was facing her back

"I told you yesterday for how many times that I want to broke up with you but you're just ignoring my words .. Don't be selfish..! I want to be happy and please let me be!" I shouted again

I was mad but sad at the same time..
I'm sorry I don't want say this but I need to... I'm tired Lisa.. I'm tired for doing my best just for our relationship to work again..

"Stop denying Lisa.. Please ... Let us both to be happy for real" I said and she slowly turn around to face me

"We are both happy Babe" She said sadly looking into my eyes

"What do you mean selfish?" She added

"No we're not happy anymore and you can answer your own question so Please---" This time I was cut off when Jisoo interrupted us

"What is happening here?" Jisoo ask us

"Uhmm nothing" Lisa said and hold my hand

"Hmmm you sure?" Jisoo ask.. Lisa about to answer when I spoke first

"Jisoo tell Lisa that I don't love her anymore because I have you" I said and my tears fall .. Not because I was afraid of Lisa but I was hurt saying those words in front of her

Sorry for lying...

Lisa was shocked and look at me immediately.. I let go of her hand because I can't look at her face anymore.. It makes me hurt..

I go to Jisoo and hide behind her

"Tell her Chu .. Tell her that I just used her just to be with you.." I lied and cried behind Jisoo

"Please chu" I whispered to Jisoo .. I can't take this pain anymore.. I want to go inside now..

"I'm sorry Lisa.. but Rosè is right.. Sorry for not telling you the truth.. I'm sorry please forgive us.. and if you really love her let her go to choose her happiness" Jisoo said that made me feel better but feel sorry for Lisa who is standing like a statue in front of us

"Let's go Baby" Jisoo said and kiss my forehead then drag me inside the building.. Why did she do that..? Urghh idc .. Thank You for helping me Chu..

***Jisoo's Room***

"I already texted Jennie to share room with Lisa for now.." Jisoo said and sat beside me

"Thank You" I said while sniffing

"So may I know the problem?" She asked ..

"I lied" I said

"I know" She replied

"But why?" She added

"Don't be mad at me.. I know you like Jennie Kim but I can feel that Lisa ---" I was cut off because of her

"Like Jennie and Jennie had a feelings for Lisa too" She said that made me shocked

"You know? How?" I ask

"I can feel it .. But I think they didn't still know their feelings for each other because of being taken to Irene and to you" She answer

"Are you hurt?" I ask

"I do but what should I do if I can't control someone heart to fall for me too.. I'm happy for her to be happy with someone she loved than being with me with empty heart" Jisoo said

"I'm sorry for including you on this problem of us" I said

"No it's okay.. I already talk to Irene a weeks ago and found out the truth about their real relationship with Jennie.. I was happy for that moment because I can make Jennie fall for me but I was wrong .. Definitely wrong because Lisa can give the real love for Jennie" She said and stand up

"How about you why did you let her go ..? Is that the only reason why you let her go?" Jisoo asked while looking at the night beach outside

"I want her to be free .. I don't want to be hurt for being selfish .. I do loved her but I don't want to be selfish .. I really love Lisa but I want her to be happy for real .." I responded

"You made a good decision while me I made the wrong one .. All I want after Irene's told me that she only love Jennie as a Friend ..I decided to make Jennie fall for me like what I said earlier.." She blaming herself

"No you made a good decision too because on the first place you want her to be happy and to be love that's why you made a decision to take care of her but Jennie really don't feel the same. In reality that can cut you by a knife for a hundred times.." I said and she faced me

"So what are we gonna do now?" She ask

"Let's continue pretending that we're really a couple so that Lisa will believe us.. as long as you will agree to help me.. Can you?" I ask her

"Ofc I would loved to help you.. I want to make Jennie happy too" She replied

"Thank You" I smiled

"Thank You too and don't feel that you're alone if you need someone to talk I'll be right here next to you sleeping... Good night baby" She said that made me blush

Erase.... Erase... Jisoo and I are not that really close but being with her side is my safety place for now.. Thank You Chu..

I'm sorry Lisa.. Promise I will help you to move on and be happy again with Jennie ...

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