Friendships- Chapter 21

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We were already home when I hear my phone vibrating next to me. It was 11 pm, I looked over to see who was calling me. I saw it was George. I quickly got up and answered the phone.


"Hey...can we talk or you busy?"

"Yeah we can talk, I'm not busy. What's up?"


My heart started to race, he rarely calls me by name. He always calls me sapnap.


"I know that you know..."

"Know what...?"

"Really? Do want me to say it?"

"I mean yeah, at least I know what you're talking about"

to be fair, I had an idea but I didn't want to say it in case it wasn't that. 

"You know, that I have feelings for you..."

"Yeah...I know...wanna talk about it?"

"Yes please."

" I guess go ahead?"

"Well, I would like a chance."

"A chance?"

"A chance..."

"George, I like Clay..."

"I know you do but I like you. So why can't I have a chance?"

"Because I don't like you back. You are an amazing person. I love you I truly do but as a friend. I never had thought or had intentions about us being more than friends..."


"and I'm sorry."

"But I love you...I need you..."

"You don't love love the idea of being with me..."


"And George..."


"You can't love somebody into loving you"

"I know you can't...but you are going to miserable with him. Don't you want to be happy?!"

"George...I will rather be miserable with him than be happy with somebody else..."


"I'm sorry..."

"I don't know why I am trying... what's wrong with me?"

"Don't say that. Nothing is wrong with you. It's just I never viewed you that way. I always saw you as my best friend. And our amazing friendship. I just don't want to lose you both..."

"So there's no chance at all...?"

"No, and I'm sorry..."

"Sapnap, stop apologizing. I'll be okay. I promise."


"But talk to me hows everything?"

"Oh well..."

We had shifted into a normal conversation. He told me about some merch ideas and send photos. He talked about video ideas and things he was planning to do. He was thinking about coming to the states to visit me and Dream.

We were still friends...I didn't lose him... :)

(Clay's POV)

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