🎀💖 confession 🎀💖 (5)

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This is my second favourite ship ink x Broomie ok now the story

Blues POV

 I ran to the spot night said that we should meet at I was excited to see what he was gonna say me, maybe I can confess? Ok he said here maybe he's late... oh there he is with error? Oh ok I didn't expect that ok now errors leaving so I might be able to.

Nightmares POV

There's berry "hey berry" "hi night" "what did you wanna say?" "Oh :> so uhh it's been a while and I never thought you would feel the same way but it's ok If you say no but...

I like you.. do you like me back?" "..." damn I messed up... "night I- I like you too!" Wait he said he liked me...

Dreams POV 5 mins earlier 

Ok now I found the hiding spot with all this I should hide my aroua in case of the worst... ok there's blue- and-




nightmare but they- no- this- what the they... nights positivity all makes sense now he likes blue and- blue likes him back this will change the whole war... I gotta go.

Blues POV

Wait  night said he liked me this can't be happening this is a dream... better make the most of it I pulled nightmare into a hug "I don't know if you know this but I have liked you for awhile now" "I- no I didn't" "night I need to know- is this heart felt or is this a trick?" "Berry I love you no it's not a joke it is against the rules to play with someone's love in dreamtale" "ok then I'm just checking..." im glad he said that. I need to go back to the stars... "nightmare im gonna go back to the stars" "ok" *insert glitched squeal* "IS THAT ERROR!?" "Yeah he wanted to watch I couldn't stop him" "oh ok then..." why was error happy on wait he- wait HOW DID HE CRASH. "Umm we should help error he's floating away" "I'll get him, bye berry" "ok bye night"

At the stars base

3 persons POV

A yellow skeleton ran through the door and said "INK I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING" ink turned his head "yeah?" "Blue and nightmare are dating!" "...what?" "They are seeing eachother" "so let's get him off the team he is probably doing it to spread info about us" "yeah"

The blue skeleton walks through the door happy "hello frie-" he gets cut off "blue your out of the team" "...what?" blue said "you need to leave according to dream you have been spreading info about us" "what No! I would never! You two are my best friends!" "Well I thought that nightmare was your best friend" "..yes but, I can have more then one!" "No blue it's over your out" the tallest brown skeleton said. 

Blues POV

I was shaking I was kicked out? Where will I go... I need to pack my stuff. "Ink at least let me get my stuff?" "Fine" he said yes ok lets go, I could go to night?  Or maybe just back to my AU hmmm so many options... you know what I'm just gonna go to dreamtale no one will bother me there

Later at Dreamtale 

Nightmares POV

I sit down in the wreckage of the once known dreamtale I sat down letting all of my goop fall off... I felt better about myself like someone excepts me I sat down at the broken stump on the middle of dreamtale I let out a sigh I close my eyes and drift away 

Blues POV

I walked in and went up to the hilltop with the big tree stump in it I found a person there they looked to be my height but a purple dream- oh he's waking up *yawn* he seems familiar I should go up to him "hello I'm blueberry nice to meet you!" I held out my hand he just gave me a blank but somewhat shocked face- "uhh umm hi blueberry nice to meet you to" "what's your name?" I asked him "...uhhh my name is... my name is- Night" oh hey his name is like nightmares! "I have a friends name who is just like yours!" "Oh yeah who?" "Oh his name is nightmare but I call him nighty so-" I looked down he seemed to be blushing- "uhh yeah I call him that because he's my partner" "cool!" The blush didn't go away!? Is he some kinda yandere!? "Uhh yeah I would get going to his place "oh ok!" "Bye 'night'"

Ok I'm tired bed time night bitches-

A bed of flowers (Nightberry)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя