Chapter 17- Part 2

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Author’s POV:

The curtains lift, and the scene unfolds.

Alyssa- “My heart is torn up into fragments, yet, you have the audacity and guts to tear it further more.”

Harry- “Well, it’s not like I haven't been the same. You address insults at me, insults which I cant bear. If heartache was a physical pain, I don't think I would be able to face it.

Alyssa- “Why are you doing this to me? You are making me feel guilty about things I do out of frustration. I should have listened to all those women who knew about you, they were right. You are like a drug, a drug addictive yet so hazardous.”

Harry- “But.. I.. I wish, how I wish we could spend a single day without arguing. I would love for a day to pass wherein we don't fight and create a ruckus out of small thing, but you just don't want that to happen. Can't you see how I hard I try to stop a fight but its like we can't stop, its like we are enemies. Your actions infuriate me in a way nothing else can, just your actions.”

Alyssa- “Now why do my actions mean so much to you? Why are they so important to you? I dont even want to call our relationship a marriage. Its parasitic, its unholy. For gods sake, its just a mere acquaintance.”

Harry- “ So you just want to forget the times where we were happy, where we laughed? You mean to say that my presence and support doesn't please you, it deteriorates our love?”

Alyssa- “Why are you trying to poison those sweet memories by bringing them up in a such a foul environment? Why are you behind me? Just leave me and my memories alone. Stop judging me, stop interrupting me, stop monitoring my actions. Just leave me alone in the darkness of my life. Leave me alone, in the darkness of my universe and my past. I am sure for you life without me would be better.”

Their eyes locked and with the other’s, tears were rolling down her cheeks. Her little bubble of self-confidence had burst. The fierce chemistry between them was fierce and intense. It was radiating off the stage. The audience sat in awe totally captivated by the performance, but was it really one?

Narrator- “Can their old love create a new love amongst this hatred?

Harry looks away from Alyssa, his eyes clearly gleaming with tears in them.

Harry- “Do you even have a clue about how I felt when I first saw you?”

The irritation is clear on her face, this play was heading somewhere else now.

Alyssa- “No, I don't.” Then she thinks, stutters and stammers but completes her sentence, “Why do you.. Wait, what did you think? Think about me?”

Harry- “ When I looked at you for the first time you looked as pretty as a flower looks when it has blossomed on Christmas morning. A dash of colour in the white all around. You looked gentle, sensitive and majorly you looked like what happiness should look like. But  after hearing all this I don't think I can say much about us. I would just say that our life has been on the rocks since I met you but we have always managed to maintain balance. And you know that if you ever fall I would be the first one to pick you up. Yes, the inevitable has taken place, I have fallen for you.”

She was at a loss of words her mouth was open, a whisper was running amongst the crowd. Some wee guessing if this was real, while some were cheering. After all, whichever way it was a love story in the making.

 Alyssa- “i looked at you as though you were a gentle breeze on a sunny day. Fresh and pleasant. Yes, its true my heart is broken up into fragments and the reason is you. But yet, my heart is imbecilic, it has decided that you are the only one who can hold it together.. You are the reason I feel life is worth living for.”

The anger and emotion on both their faces made the hair at the back of my neck stand. This act was heading somewhere else. The narrator of the play walks up to the dialogue guy and whisper, “What the hell is going on? This isn't according to the script.” The dialogue guy, James shuts him up and watches the play. “This isn't from the script. I dont know what to say. This is going from bad to worse.” “For gods sake, tell something that suits this, go, get out.”

Narrator- “ The love was in the process of rebirth. The feelings were shaping up, but was this really love? Is all true or is it something else?”

Harry- “ I..I am.. I just want to apologize for everything that has happened to you. I didn't realize how much your past had broken you up. I didn't realize that the small actions I might be doing might bring back old memories. I would love it if you could imagine that the dark past doesn't exist. The past is something we are supposed to learn from, not something to fear. You have learnt your lesson. So trust me.”

Alyssa- “ Harry, whatever you are saying is true. I know all that. But do you really think its easy? Do you think its easy when someone who you trusted with all your heart betrays you and leaves you in a million peices? Harry don't try to save me or you'll cut yourself. Don't come close, because I wouldnt be able to keep the demon called past at bay.”

Harry- “Alyssa, I wouldn't mind getting cut for you. And I will show that demon that even it can't come between us. Give us a shot, give ‘us’ a try.”

Alyssa- “ You don't realize that I like you,but if you can't face the demon it will not just break ‘us’ but break me beyond repair.”

Harry walks towards her. Determination in his eyes. He pulls her towards him, cups her face in his hands and kisses her. Not the stupid way, but in a way where he felt that through this kiss he could join her back and heal her. Gasps were heard in the audience and the narrator was going mad. James was smiling, “James, they kissed. The principal will kill us”  “Just look at the audience, they are standing up. Oh my gosh, they are giving Harry and Alyssa a standing ovation. The principal too. So yes, we arent going to die.” Members of the audience were wiping away their tears but ALyssa was not on stage. She had gone somewhere.

Narrator- “And thus new love was born. We would like to thank everyone for watching this play with us…”

His voice fades, and is replaced by Alyssa’s and Harry’s in the green room.

Alyssa- “Harry, what the hell just happened there?”

Harry- “Uhm, we kissed.”

Alyssa- “You kissed me, oh god.”

A thousand thoughts went about his head, was he a bad kisser or good? Only gods knows.

Harry- “Alyssa, for gods sake you kissed me back.”

A smirk had formed on his lips, she came hit him playfully. He went down on his knees and said, “Alyssa Black, will you be my girlfriend?”

There was smile, yet there were tears. What was she going to say?

(3.2k for next update. CLIFFHANGER BOOHOO. Love you all, Aarushi.  Oh and thanks Avani for helping xD xx)

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