26 year old Janell Millard thought life was starting to get better for her and her partner and their 9yr old son until something wild happens and causes her to think differently, she falls back and eventually meets someone new but is stuck in betwee...
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"I wanted a brother but I guess a little sister is cool" Aj stated, he looked so much like his dad it often made me wonder if my baby would too. "Well you get to protect your baby sister and teach her how to fight" Don stated,
"Yeah I guess so, I'll be her favorite" he replied as he left the living room and headed into his room. I had moved into Adonis's house with him, we've been doing everything to prepare for the baby and he thought it would be better if we moved in with him so there'd be more space. I couldn't be more happier with the way everything is turning out,
" So the baby shower is this weekend, do you have everything you need?" Adonis asked me.
"Yes bae, my girls are handling the last bit of things everything is going to be perfect" I answered wearing a huge smile,
"Did you invite Aj's mom yet?" I asked him. I've been talking to him about meeting here but he's been acting as if he doesn't want us to meet, maybe he's not serious about me yet. I thought to myself,
"Nah I haven't had the chance to yet, but why you want her to come?" He asked me.
"I'm around her son..she should want to meet me, it just seems right" I answered,
"Well I'ma invite her Ight baby, no worries" he stated. Which he's been saying for the longest,
I wasn't about to sit around and wait on him. I was gonna take it upon myself and hit her up myself, Adonis laid back on the bed and turned on his play station. "You about to watch tv or play the game?" I asked him,
"I'm about to watch tv, what you making for dinner?" He asked me.
"I don't know, I was just gonna order something" I replied,
"But baby it's all that food downstairs, why don't you just cook" he stated,
"I don't feel like cooking tonight Don, damn..what do you want?" I asked.
"Fried Chicken and rice" he answered,
"So I can just order Chinese food than, what's the point of cooking" I replied with a chuckle.
"Than just order Rihley I don't even care nomore" he replied as he turned on his side,
I got up and headed downstairs, I took the wings out the refrigerator and started to season them. I really wasn't in the mood to cook, but Adonis has been one of the best men I've been with and he deserves whatever he ask for. I took out a pot and placed it on the stove pouring in the rice , I made some biscuits too.
I headed upstairs to see what my man was doing just before everything had finished and seen he had fallen asleep, I peeked my head into Aj's room and seen he was watching the animal channel and than I headed back downstairs to finish dinner.
"It smell good down here" Aj stated scaring me causing me to jump,
"Yeah I made fried chicken and rice, I know it sounds boring but it's what your daddy asked for" I chucked.
"Nah it doesn't, my mama use to make that all the time literally he always ask for that" he replied with his head stuck in his Nintendo switch, Well excuseee the hell outta me, I thought to myself. I made their plates, Aj sat in the living room watching Anime and I took Don his plate upstairs.
"Baby wake up, I made you food" I stated as I shook him gently, he rolled over and than he stretched ,
"You didn't have to really cool baby, thank you" he replied as he took his plate. "I'm finna fuck all this shit up" he replied,
"Your welcome babe, I knew you were hungry and you deserved it" I stated before leaning down to kiss him.
"Where's Aj, what he doing?" Don asked,
"He's in the living room eating and watching tv baby" I replied.
"Ight, thanks for looking after him" he stated,
"He practically watched himself, he came into the kitchen and told me it me smelled good" I chuckled thinking of how his little comment made me feel good.
"Yeah.. that's wassup baby, tell him I said come here" he told me,
I got up and went downstairs into the living room, "Aj your dad-" I started to say until I realized he wasn't in the living room, but his plate was sitting on the table.
I looked downstairs everywhere before going to check upstairs in his room, still no Aj. Where the hell is this boy, I thought to myself as I checked the bathroom and the other two rooms. He was nowhere in this house!.
"Baby did Aj come in here? If he's playing a prank or whatever I'm not with this one at all Adonis" I stated as I entered our bedroom, I tried my hardest not to seem frantic but I think I failed.
"Nah he ain't come in here why wassup?" He asked as he sat up and put his food down,
He got up and walked into the hallway. "Aj stop fucking playing wit me, where you at?" Don yelled,
"Don he's not fucking here call the cops now!!, what the fuck where is?! go check outside!" I cried.
"Rihley chill out Ight, I'm about to call his mom and see if he called her and went home" he told me,
"No don't tell Janell babe, what the fuck will she think" I replied while wiping my tears . This was all too much for me,
"You think if we call the cops and don't tell Janell, she not gone snap through the fucking roof. Baby just relax" he replied calmly trying his best to soothe me,
"I'm trying Don but I can't.. where is Aj?" I cried. Don called Janell while I called the cops and they actually showed up immediately.
"Janell will be here in less than five minutes, so just stay calm baby, relax and remember you carrying our baby" he stated as he held my face and kissed me,
"Adonis what the fuck is going on?!" Janell came storming in, with her side kick Yana right beside her.
"Where's my Godson Don?" Yana asked,
"Listen I need y'all to calm the fuck down while these fucking cops here Ight" Don stated as he stood in front of Janell looking down at her, it looked as if it was turning her on..mhmm. He turned his head side ways and looked at Yana giving her a look to let her know he was serious,
"I just wanna know where is my son Don..what happened?" Janell asked him with a lowered voice, her eyes were watery red and her cheeks were soaked with tears.
"Nell we..we just don't know right now" Adonis replied as he held his head down,
"What th- What the fuck you mean you don't know?..Nigga are you fucking crazy???" She stated in a broken voice, she spoke to him as if he had really lost his mind. I felt so bad,
"So Ms Rihley, what uh..what happened?" She stated as she turned and looked at me.
"Nah Janell it ain't her fault, Don stated as he walked over and stood beside me,
"Babe it's okay.." I replied as I looked at him and nodded my head.
"We had a great day, went out for breakfast than Don and Aj went to the game store and bought some new video games. Than they came home and I had my cousin put up a trampoline in the backyard for Aj so when he got home he jumped and flipped on that for awhile, and.. and than he came inside and took and shower. I made dinner and he ate a few minutes after that I came downstairs because Don wanted him and had asked me to get him and he was gone, Janell I swear I looked everywhere.. I searched the..the whole entire house!" I explained to her.
"No Rihley..you don't get to cry like this over MY son! He was in your care, how..how the hell..could y'all let this happen." Janell cried , her best friend Yana held her tight .
"We gone find him best friend, I promise you that" Ayana stated as she rubbed Janell's hair,
We gave the police a very recent picture of Aj and told them everything we knew which wasn't much because who the fuck would do this!..
I didn't get any sleep at all that night and neither did Adonis, I prayed so hard that we get Aj back man, I can only imagine the pain that they're dealing with right now. I held Don all night and he clung to me like a baby, I was here for him, we were gonna find Aj and all get through this together...