(Not A Ship-)
T.B: "You Have A Beautiful Smile!!"
Dee: "Thanks!! You're Not That Handsome But You Look Okay"
T.B, Sarcastically: "Wow Thanks"
Interviewer: "Describe Yourself In One Word"
Showtime: "Indescribable!"
Vicky: "Childish"
(This Also Fits Rikku [Not A Bryan], And His Mom- XD)
Olympus: "Surely, You Can't Be Serious"
Showtime: "Of Course I'm Serious! And Don't Call Me Shirley!"
Inpu: "911, What's Your Emergency?"
Olympus: "Oh, I Can't Find My Up-Sexy"
Inpu: "What's Up-Sexy?"
Olympus: "Nothing Much, How About You?"
Inpu, Suddenly Realizing:
Inpu, Very Flustered: "Okay, I'm Coming To Arrest You-"
Dee: "Please? For Me?"
Olympus: "Don't Do That"
Dee: "What-?"
Olympus: "You Think Everytime You Say 'Please, For Me?' I'll Do Whatever You Want... Well Not This Time"
Dee: "...Please..? For Me..?"
Olympus: "...Fine"
End Of Incorrect Quotes