Y/n Tozier (or your last-name) beautiful, stunning and admirable Slytherin student from Hogwarts. Her life is going nowhere until she meets louis partridge, a cute, charming boy with a passion for music who gets sorts into Gryffindor.
what will ha...
Little heads up you can put your last-name or just go with the one I put which will be Tozier.
Also everyone has their own dormitories so their beds aren't open for everyone to watch them sleep lol
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As Allegra Weasley (this is my friend I just added her) hehe hi this is me Allegra editing the story .Gryffindor .Harry's girlfriend (sorry Ginny you can have Neville) .smart .kind and trustworthy .Hermione's bestfriend .Ginny's twin sister (not identical)
.NOT shy obviously with Ginny, Fred and George as siblings just more an introvert
As I walked away from them I try to find Draco and his 2 fat gut friends but I was not successful. They had just disappeared. Where did they go? Anyway I walked around the halls alone just thinking to myself but get cut out of my thoughts as I bump into someone and fall over. I look over to see a girl with ginger brownish hair. I quickly get up and help the girl up. "I am so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going" I said brushing off my now dirty green and black robe. She smiled politely at me and brushed her robe off as well. "It's ok, I wasn't paying attention either, I'm Allegra, Allegra Weasley." she said putting out her hand which I shook."I'm Y/n Tozier. Why haven't I seen you around before?" I say with curiosity. "I like hanging out on my own a lot I'm quite introverted." She said with an awkward smile. I just nodded. "Well I better get to my common room now it's getting late, so ill see you around." I said waving. "I guess ill do that too. Bye!" she said walking the opposite way in the direction of Gryffindor tower.
I made my way to the Slytherin common room in the dungeons and I went to sleep immediately because our classes started the next day.
-partridge's POV-
After the tour of the Gryffindor common room, I sat on the couch by the fireplace just looking back on the events of the day but i was brought back to reality by the sound of people talking. I turn my head to see the trio. They see me and smile softly. "Hey" they say at the same time. I smile. "Hey guys." I respond and look back at the fire in front of me. "We're going to head to bed now so goodnight." Hermione said yawning. "Oh yeah I better get some sleep as well." I say getting up and making my way to the boys dormitories.
-normal POV-
I woke up the next morning and walked out of my dormitory. Your room:
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I checked my clock to see I slept in and class started 5 minutes ago. "Shit shit shit shit shit." I said to myself as I quickly put my uniform on and grabbed my wand (which is Maple wood with a dragon heartstring core, 12 ½ and slightly springy flexibility, that's my wand) and I quickly dashed out of the common room and ran to my class.
I turned a corner and felt my head clash into something or someone. I rubbed my forehead which was throbbing with pain and looked up to see a boy with familiar looking brown hair and dark eyes but I've never met him. "Watch where you're going" he sassed hissing in pain. I took a step back. "Me! i think you should cause you bumped into me." I said picking up my wand that I dropped in our head clash. He rolled his eyes and laughed but then he must've seen something that made his eyes widen. I looked behind me but nobody else was there.
I looked back at the boy and he still had the look on his face. I stood there confused until he spoke up. "Um I'm sorry, I'll watch next time sorry." he said nervously making me feel confused. "Are you ok?" I asked as his hands tremored. He quickly nodded and walked briskly away from me. It was very strange how the boy behaved but before I could ponder on it anymore i remembered I was running so late for class. At least I knew I wouldn't get in a lot of trouble as I had charms with Professor Flitwick who was mostly a very chill professor.
I got to class panting as running through the Hogwarts corridors is like running a bloody marathon. Everyone's eyes landed on me as I entered the classroom. Professor Flitwick stopped what he was doing and turned to me."Why are you late Miss Tozier?" the short professor asked politely with disguised annoyance at how late I was. "Sorry professor, i accidently woke up late but it won't happen again." I promised. He nodded "I know you will be more organised next time miss Tozier but im sorry, i need to take 10 points from Slytherin" he said with some sympathy. I marched over to my seat while rolling my eyes. 10 points is a little bit harsh i thought.
-Partridge's POV-
I turned a corner to get to my transfiguration class and felt my head clash into someone. I rubbed the painful lump on my forehead and looked up to see a pretty girl with h/c hair and e/c eyes. I brought myself "watch where your going" I snapped at the girl took a step back "Me!, you should cause you bumped into me" she argued picking up her wand the she dropped while bumping into me, I rolled my eyes and laughed but then saw the colour of her robe which was green that made my eyes widen a bit which made her look behind her probably thinking I saw something ahead of me but no, it was her she was a...Slytherin. I can't be talking to a Slytherin.
She looks back at me and stood there confused until I spoke up "um I'm sorry, I'll watch next time sorry." I said obviously nervously so that just made her more confused "are you ok?." she asked as my body shook in worry, I quickly nodded and just walked away from the girl. but I just walked to class as I was late.