Same Mistakes - One Direction
Think that we got more time
When we're falling behind
Gotta make up our minds
Or else we'll play, play, play all the same old games
And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change
And we take, take, take it for granted that we'll be the same
But we're making all the same mistakes
" She is taking over guys" Kali sighed sitting down with Ron. " don't speak too loud, she could be near." the Hufflepuff frowned looking around. " She completely stopped us from doing all magic. " Fred said scooting over beside her. Kali nodded laying her head on the table.
" You alright Kali?" George asked the girl, sitting on the other side of the table. " Just a little tired, I have been doing terribly on my schoolwork, so I stayed up studying last night." she huffed feeling her eyes drifting closed. " All night," Fred said, sounding worried.
" Yeah and guess what, my potion still blew up in my face today" They frowned. " Literally this time". Ron let out a chuckle thinking back to potions. Kali picked up her book from beside herself and slapped him on the back of his head. " Ouch Kali, that was a total Snape move" she shrugged " I learn from the best"
They all watched as people rush out the doors. " What is going on out there?" Kali questioned turning back to the boys. Fred shrugged and stood up, they all followed him walking outside.
There they saw Umbridge walking up to Trelawney who stood with all her bags. " Is she kicking her out?" Kali whispered shouted up to George. He looked over at them with a frown. " Guess we're about to find out," Ron said scratching the back of his neck.
" Hogwarts is my home" Trelawney choked out. It made the girl's heartbreak hearing the professor's sad sobs. It probably was making it worse for her knowing everyone was watching. " This isn't right" Kali whispered and Fred nodded. " You can't do this'' Trelawney said once more, holding back her sobs. " Actually I can," Umbridge said, holding up a piece of folded paper. The Hufflepuff scoffed watching the smirk form on Umbridge's face. " I'm going to say something" Kali went to walk forward but Fred grabbed her arm pulling her back. " Don't you'll get in trouble with Umbridge"
"She is completely humiliating Trelawney in front of the whole school Fred, and she has nothing to be removed for. She has worked here for years, she doesn't deserve this" Kali shook her head at him looking back over at the two women. She watched as McGonagall rushed to Trelawney's side and Trelawney finally broke sobbing into McGonagall. Kali ripped her arm out of Fred's grasp and rushed out to them. " Kali no, don't do it" The boys whisper shouted at her.
She leaned over rubbing Trelawney's back trying to comfort her. " Something you would like to say, dear?" Umbridge said looking at McGonagall. Kali glare at Umbridge in her bright pink clothing.
" Oh, there are several things I would like to say" McGonagall hissed at Umbridge. Umbridge moved her stare over to Kali. Who continued to glare at her. " And you?" She smiled, blinking at the girl a few times. " You are a nasty woman, you should be ashamed of who you are." Kali hissed at her. Her smile slightly drops looking at the girl before her now. She was about to say something until the large doors opened again. And there was Dumbledore.
" Professor McGonagall may I ask you to escort Sybil back inside," Kali smirked watching Dumbledore comfort Sybil and the look on Umbridge's face sold it even more. " Dumbledore may I remind you that under the terms of educational decree number three- '' But Dumbledore cut her off.
" You have the right to dismiss my teachers, you do not have the authority to banish them from the ground. That power remains to the headmaster"
" Which isn't you," Kali said and she turned slowly back to her. " For now". Dumbledore got uneasy and he turned walking away.
Everyone went to turn and go back inside. Kali went to walk past Umbridge but she stuck her arm out stopping Kali. The small girl stepped back away from her huffing. Someone ran up behind Kali gently touching her lower waist. She turned her head slightly seeing Draco standing by now. " Come on, don't say another word" He whispered leaning down in her ear. But Kali couldn't take it, this woman was full of evil and hatred. She couldn't just humiliate a professor in front of the entire school.
Umbridge looked at Kali with a smile turning to her side now allowing her to pass. Kali glared at her as Draco tried to push her forward to walk. " Awful." Kali huffed walking past her now.
" I'm sorry, it's Miss Valerian right?" Umbridge said and Kali's blood ran cold. Draco tensed from behind her too. They turned around to face her but Draco blocked Kali's view still trying to push her away from her. Kali pushed his hands off her and walked away from him. Staring into Umbridge's cold eyes. " Yes, it is," Kali said confidently standing straight.
" What did you say to me earlier?" She questioned Kali. Waiting for a response. She probably thought Kali would change her words now looking at her. That Kali would have said all good things about her, just so she wouldn't be in trouble. But Kali wasn't about to let her win. " I said you are a nasty person" the Hufflepuff hissed making her way to stand in front of the woman. Draco grabbed onto Kali's arm pulling her back. " I'm sorry she didn't mean that, she just isn't thinking" Draco chuckled to Umbridge nervously pulling the girl into him.
" And that you are awful!" Kali shouted a little louder. Draco turned her to him shaking his head. " That is enough Kali," He said shouting back at her.
" Mister Malfoy I think me and Miss Valerian will need to chat in private please run along now," Umbridge said smiling at Malfoy. Draco was breathing heavily looking up at Umbridge. He gave her a slight nod. He let Kali go and turned to walk away from her, not giving Kali one last glance at all. " Now you, follow me" She walked past Kali. The girl wanted nothing more than to disobey her but she knew that would only make things worse.
They walked into her office which was covered in pink and cat pictures everywhere. Kali cringed looking at the sight. " Sit Miss Valerian'' She said pointing to a chair. Kali sat hesitantly not knowing what to expect. " You were very disrespectful," She said talking and walking around grabbing something on her desk. Kali wanted to snap back at her saying she was the disrespectful one, but the girl sat and remained quiet.
" So you will write down, I will not disrespect no more." She smiled, turning around and placing a piece of paper and quill in front of Kali. The girl looked down at it seeing no ink near. And then she knew, this is what she did to Harry. Kali glared back up at her, she stood keeping the same annoying smile on her face. Picking the quill up and beginning to write. There wasn't a way out of this.
The burning pain begin on her hand, Kali gasped out as Umbridge walked behind her. Kali doing her best to not release any emotions so that she wouldn't satisfy the woman's needs. Once Kali finished the sentence she looked down at her hand. Seeing the words carved into it. " You may leave now" Standing up immediately rushing past her out the door.
Walking through the halls turning the corner seeing Harry, Ron, Fred, and George standing there. Kali kept her head down but when they saw her and rushed over. " Are you alright?" Harry said, concerned. " What were you thinking, Kali?" Fred said, shaking his head. " I was thinking how mean she was," she murmured.
Harry grabbed Kali's hand lifting the sleeve of her robe up revealing the carved letters. He sighed gently touching them. She pulled back feeling the burning as he did. " It's okay I'm fine" But by the look on their faces, they didn't believe her. "This is going too far" Ron huffed looking down at Kali. " It's okay guys, really, I'm fine". she offered them all a smile but they frowned looking away from her. The girl sighed walking past them.
" Where are you going" Harry yelled out to her. " I have to do something, I'll see you later at dinner," waving to them.
Kali walked into the Slytherin common room smiling at everyone. They all looked at her with shock, seeing a Hufflepuff walking through. " what is she doing here" Pansy scoffed looking at the tiny girl walking past. Kali glanced at her but decided to ignore the rude girl. " There is our favorite Hufflepuff, '' Gregory said, clapping his hands as she walked past them. She blushed looking down. The girl gave him a small wave.
Sitting on the leather couch the Slytherin prince turned his head when he heard Gregory say Hufflepuff. He felt a tug on the corner of his lips as he watched the tiny girl making her way to him. It made him happy to see her comfortably walking through the Slytherin room. Not a hit of uncomfortableness or fear laid on her face. He watched her every move. She walked up sitting beside him.
" Surprise guess who's back," the girl said holding her hands up and shaking them to the side. He laughed at her goofiness. " This is new," he stated leaning back on the couch. "What?" She asked, leaning back to. " You coming into the Slytherin common room" She panicked slightly thinking maybe he didn't want her here. " Oh sorry I can leave if you would-"
" Definitely not what I was meaning" He chuckled, grabbing her hand and giving it a squeeze. She whimpered out in pain ripping her hand from his. The blonde's eyes widened looking at her. He instantly grabbed her hand again pulling it roughly in front of him. Draco pulled up her sleeve seeing the swollen red carved letters into her tiny hand. He instantly frowned and saw the pain in her face.
" This is why I was pulling you away Kali, why wouldn't you just listen." He hissed, feeling anger taking over, she shook her head slightly taken back. " Wait a minute did you know she was doing this to students?" The Slytherin just looked at her not saying anything. " She practically tortured Harry for telling the truth, how could you support someone like her." He tilted his head, getting even mad.
" Oh so now this is about Potter too" He snickered out. " It's about what she is doing Draco"
" Potter deserved what he got, everyone deserves consequences." The blonde scoffed looking into her eyes. " Me too then right? I deserved this too'' She said looking slightly broken at him and holding up her hand. " Things come with consequences Kali" She shook her head at him. " That isn't what I asked. Did. I. Deserve. It'' She asked through her greeted teeth. The Slytherin clenched his jaw looking at her. " Yeah, I think you did" She put her hand down biting her lip.
" Okay," She said feeling shocked, she looked away from the boy.
" I think you should leave'' He said sternly. She looked at him scrunching her nose. " Excuse me?" She murmured. " I think you should leave Valerian, '' he said, giving her a cold empty smile. She could feel his sarcasticness seeping out. It hurt her to see him now treating her so rudely. " You want me to leave?" She questioned him one last time. He rolled his eyes chuckling at her. " How many times do I have to say it? Clearly, I want you to leave, your obsession with me is making you become delusional. "
The girl felt tears pricking her eyes as she looked into his dark cold grey eyes. They were filled with nothing, not a hint of happiness, just empty. " Awe are you going to cry again, you truly are weak" He spat at the girl.
Her heart fell even more at his bitterness. She stood up having enough. " Goodbye Malfoy, '' she said clearing her throat and walking away from him. He watched her keeping her head down now.
She had walked in here so confident, not caring about the other Slytherin. But now she was walking out hiding her face. He didn't even know why he was saying those things to her. He just felt so angered hearing her defend Potter. But when she disappeared out the door, everything in him was telling him to run after the girl. But his feet remained stuck not moving in the slightest.