i woke up and seen mattia sleeping so i got up out of bed went in the bathroom got in the shower did my buiseness and got and put this on
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i then walked out the bathroom and seen mattia up on his phone
m-Damn mamas you lookin good
j-thxs baby
m-but im finna take a shower
he then goes in the bathroom turn the water on and get in and i decided to prank him
j-hey guys its yo girl jordan and im back with another bangerrrrrrrrr and today imma be pranking mattia acting like im cheating on him so less get started i then sat the camera up and 5 mins later mattia came out the bathroom in this
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i then pretend to text alex acting all flirty like we did sum
alex daddy:hey mamas
me:hey daddy
alexdaddy:wyd mamas
me:nun finna break up with mattia so i can be with you
alexdaddy:ok bet
mattia the walked up to me snatched my phone out my hand read the messages the slapped the fuck out of me...............