Chapter 12

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Sunday was pretty relaxing for the girls. Neither had anything to do and the only thing their parents had scheduled for the day was a dinner with both of their families so that everyone could get to know each other better. The dinner was at one of the high end restaurants in town.

"Peyton are you ready?!" Lainey shouted from her room. "It's 5:30 and it's at least a 20 minute drive to the restaurant without bad traffic!"

"Yeah, almost." Peyton yelled from her room "I just have to finish my makeup, decide on my jewelry, find my shoes, and pick a coat."

"Jesus woman what have you been doing for the last hour and a half?" Lainey grumbled.

"Do you really want to know?" Peyton yelled back.

"Not really, just hurry. You're going to make us late for a dinner that's about us." Lainey said walking out of her room and down the hall to Peyton's.

"Wow!" Lainey marveled. "Peyton, you look..... amazing. I..... I'm...... wow"

Peyton blushed at Lainey's inability to speak. "Thanks. You look wow too. The royal blue really brings out the color in your eyes, and the gold heels and jewelry put it over the top. You look like you were professionally styled."

"Thanks" Lainey said as it was now her turn to blush. "But seriously we're going to be late if you don't hurry up." she said after regaining her composure.

"Ok, ok, just help me then. Go into my closet and find my long black coat and black wedge sandals please."

Lainey walked into the closet and started looking around. She found the heels right away, but saw multiple black coats. "Which of these coats do you want?" she yelled from the closet.

"The long one."

"Leather or-"

"No, the other long one." Peyton interrupted.

"Ok here" Lainey said as she walked back over to Peyton.

"What jewelry should I wear?"

"Nothing blingy, a silver necklace and your silver Rolex would work just fine. Your dress is already show stopping enough so you wouldn't want to take away from that, and you went with black heels so I'd stay traditional and go silver for my jewelry."

Peyton furrowed her brows and turned around to look at Lainey who was now sitting on her bed. "Since when did you get so fashionable?"

"Since I didn't have mommy and daddy picking out my outfits for me my whole life." Lainey mocked.

Peyton furrowed her brows, "You kno-"

"I'm sorry" Lainey interrupted.

"Don't interrupt me." Peyton demanded. "What are you sorry for, mocking me or the fact that you realized it pissed me off?"

"Mocking you. I'm sorry for mocking you. I'm just stressed about the dinner tonight, and now we're going to be late, which is only going to make things worse."

"What do you mean make things worse? It's just our families. It's not like we're going to meet with a client or something."

"Peyton, my parents are going to flip when we show up late."

"It's fine. We won't even be that late. I'm ready and if we leave now we'll only be like 5 minutes late."

The ride to the restaurant was quiet, neither girl looking up from their phone till the driver announced their arrival.

"Great" Lainey rolled her eyes "We're 7 minutes late." She looked to Peyton "If my parents say anything let me handle it."

"Uh, ok, but I really don't feel like it's a big deal. It's literally just a dinner for our families to be seen out together. Plus it's my fault we're late not yours, so if they want to blame someone they can blame me not you."

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