Chapter 46: Gum Wrappers

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The next day was Christmas morning, and Briar had spent the better part of the night lying awake. She had felt completely comfortable and safe, yet her mind just wouldn't slow down and allow her to rest.

At some point, she draped the quilt around her shoulders and rose from the couch to approach the plushy recliner that was placed in front of the living room window. She dropped into it and tucked her legs underneath her as she watched the quiet world outside the window. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness hours ago, so now she could clearly make out the outline of the street and the little critters that scurried along across the Longbottom's pristinely kept lawn.

It was clear to Briar that Gran took pride in keeping her yard in tiptop shape, and this made the view pleasing for Briar to look at in that sleepy state. She remained in that chair for the remainder of the night, only falling asleep briefly before Neville gently woke her from her sleep with a gentle touch to her cheek.

She stirred in her sleep and involuntarily hummed in response to his touch.

The soft tips of his fingers stroked her cheek as he murmured, "Love, do you want to wake up?"

At his gentle tone, her eyes fluttered open. She reached up for him and smiled lazily in response to his question, soon tugging the boy down onto the large recliner beside her. He didn't fight her, and he just settled into the chair while Briar snuggled her body into his side. Her arms were wrapped securely around his torso and her face buried into his neck; all of which left Neville completely trapped in the seat.

As her soft breaths evened out against his neck, he decided that he never wanted to leave that moment, even though he knew that they would have to eventually.

Briar had fallen back asleep at some point since her exhaustion was weighing down on her heavily, but Neville just stared out at the beautiful sunrise that had started to poke through the sky that morning and enjoyed the feeling of having his soulmate wrapped up beside him. It was truly indescribable, and he decided he would just have to keep recreating moments like these to forever have the unexplainable bliss that came from being in Briar's presence in the peaceful, early morning hours.

Their moment was eventually interrupted when Gran stumbled into the room. She was coughing up a storm, but the slightest of smiles still fell on her face when she saw the pair's cuddling at the early hour. Without Briar knowing it, Gran was just about as in love with her as Neville was, and this was no easy feat. Gran wasn't an easy woman to impress, but Briar had thoroughly impressed her with Neville's testament to her power.

Gran saw Briar's calm confidence, silent strength, and adorable softness for her soulmate, and all of these things made Gran incredibly pleased that the girl would be a part of their family.

Remorseful to interrupt their moment, Gran eventually greeted Neville, who had been watching her with a small smile, once her coughing fit had subsided. She murmured, "Dear, you need to go visit your parents today. I'm in a fit and mustn't go, but I reckon Briar would be a person your parents would like to meet."

Briar stirred at the sound of her name being spoken without knowing that was why she had awoken. Her eyes blinked heavily as her gaze fell on Neville's nearby face, and a slight grin tugged on her face once again. She whispered, "Hi."

Neville brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear in response, but she could see something was bothering him, even if she was unaware of what Gran had just suggested Neville and Briar do that day.

Her eyebrows knitted together as she stared up at Neville. She wondered, "What's wrong, Nev? You look worried."

When Neville's eyes flashed to a point behind her head, Briar realized that they were not the only ones in the room. She twisted in her seat and gave Gran a sleepy smile. "Good morning."

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