Narrator : Last time on "Power Rangers Destined Light"!!!
Vida : I don't get it. We've got this powerful genie, and we never ask it for help.
Bowen : !
Rangers : (gets thrown)
Udonna : The rangers are battle-weary. I've noticed that they've been looking for the easy way out.
Daggeron : Jenji's shining attack!
50 Below : (attacks Jenji)
Fightoe : (captures Jenji)
Jenji : AHHH!
Bowen : NO! JENJI!
In the underworld
Imperious : I wish there were never Mystic Force Power Rangers. (Laughs evilly)
Wind blows
Teens : !
Daggeron : (disappears)
Bowen : ! UNCLE. (Runs to get him)
Udonna : DAGGERON!
Family : (whimpers while holding each other)
Bowen : (stands in the middle of his family)
Story Continuing
Madison : Oh, no!
Xander : The Rock Porium.
Toby : (Has a basket)
Vida : Toby.
Toby : Hey guys. (Pulls up the basket)
Teens : (laughs)
Toby : I was worried about you, I thought that-
Madison : Toby do you know where Bowen is ?
Toby : Who's he!?
Madison : What!
Chip : At least he's still got a sense of humor!
Teens : (laughs)
Toby : (smiles) No seriously who is that person!?
Teens : !
Vida : Toby what happened to Rock Porium!? What happened to all the color!?
Toby : You, you trying to mess with me!
Chip : Huh.
Toby : The darkness took over.
Teens : Huh.
Toby : 4 months ago.
Madison : Bowen.
Vida : Maddy wha-
Madison : The world we knew has changed, 4 months ago when, Bowen came to Briarwood, we became you know who.
Teens : !
Toby : Hey, guys do you hear I got music. (turns on music) I still have to listen to it even though it's been banned.
Chip : Banned music! Toby who banned it?!
Hidiacs appear
Toby : Ooh.
Teens : Huh.
Power Rangers Mystic Force - Destined Light
FanfictionYoung Nick's adoptive parents and sister died in an accident. After walking alone by himself, he found something that changed his life. His real name was Bowen. When Udonna and Young Clare found out about him. Udonna recognizes the blanket that she...