The Tribunal of All Magic 2/3

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Narrator : Last time on "Power Rangers Destined Light"!!!

Vida : I don't get it. We've got this powerful genie, and we never ask it for help.

Bowen : !

Rangers : (gets thrown)

Udonna : The rangers are battle-weary. I've noticed that they've been looking for the easy way out.

Daggeron : Jenji's shining attack!

50 Below : (attacks Jenji)

Fightoe : (captures Jenji)

Jenji : AHHH!

Bowen : NO! JENJI!

In the underworld

Imperious : I wish there were never Mystic Force Power Rangers. (Laughs evilly)

Wind blows

Teens : !

Daggeron : (disappears)

Bowen : ! UNCLE. (Runs to get him)

Udonna : DAGGERON!

Family : (whimpers while holding each other)

Bowen : (stands in the middle of his family)

Story Continuing

Madison : Oh, no!

Xander : The Rock Porium.

Toby : (Has a basket)

Vida : Toby.

Toby : Hey guys. (Pulls up the basket)

Teens : (laughs)

Toby : I was worried about you, I thought that-

Madison : Toby do you know where Bowen is ?

Toby : Who's he!?

Madison : What!

Chip : At least he's still got a sense of humor!

Teens : (laughs)

Toby : (smiles) No seriously who is that person!?

Teens : !

Vida : Toby what happened to Rock Porium!? What happened to all the color!?

Toby : You, you trying to mess with me!

Chip : Huh.

Toby : The darkness took over.

Teens : Huh.

Toby : 4 months ago.

Madison : Bowen.

Vida : Maddy wha-

Madison : The world we knew has changed, 4 months ago when, Bowen came to Briarwood, we became you know who.

Teens : !

Toby : Hey, guys do you hear I got music. (turns on music) I still have to listen to it even though it's been banned.

Chip : Banned music! Toby who banned it?!

Hidiacs appear

Toby : Ooh.

Teens : Huh.

Power Rangers Mystic Force - Destined Light Where stories live. Discover now